
How to implement multiple subclasses with the same methods that use encapsulation?

我想在 Java 中创建一个简单的游戏。 我正在努力理解如何使用继承来完成如何实现使用封装的子classes,而不需要在子classes.


理想情况下,我想用一堆使用封装的方法创建一个基础class "character",这样我就可以为子[=的私有成员声明不同的值24=]es。所以像,

public class Character {
private int hitPoints;
public int getHitPoints(){return hitPoints;}


public class subCharacter extends Character {
private int hitPoints=100;
//getHitPoints() already inherited and should return 100

但要正确获得潜艇的生命值class。我必须在 subclass 中声明相同的方法才能使该方法真正起作用。


你应该在Characterclass中保护变量hitPoints,并在subCharacter[=]的构造函数中将其设置为100 21=]。 subclass中的getHitPoints方法不需要声明。代码如下所示:

public class Character {
    protected int hitPoints;
    public int getHitPoints(){return hitPoints;}


public class subCharacter extends Character {
    public subCharacter () {
        hitPoints = 100;


subCharacter sub = new subCharacter();
System.out.println(sub.getHitPoints()); // prints 100

这不像你认为的那样工作的原因是子class的hitpoints字段与超级class的hitpoints 场地。因此,虽然定义了 superclass 方法,但它试图引用一个您从未实际初始化的变量,因为它 与名为 hitpoints.


正如其他人已经说过的,您应该在要继承给子 class 的字段上使用 protected 访问修饰符而不是 private 访问修饰符。

话又说回来,你可能实际上并不需要 SubCharacter class 开始,如果这是你真正写的.您只需要有一个构造函数,该构造函数为生命值或 Character 中需要采用不同值的任何其他字段采用可变参数。

//I'm not going to reproduce everything.
Character(int hp, String nm, boolean someBooleanThatIJustMadeUpToGetTheConceptAcross){
    hitpoints = hp;
    name = nm;
    randomBoolean = someBooleanThatIJustMadeUpToGetTheConceptAcross;

然而,这并不是说您不需要 superclass/subclass,如果您对敌人和玩家角色都使用 Character class ,例如。


public class Circle{
protected int radius;
Circle(){//It's always a good idea to have default constructors, by the way.
        radius = 1;
Circle(int rad){
        radius = rad;

public class Wheel extends Circle{
    protected int numspokes;
        super(); //Calls the constructor for Circle, instead of reimplementing the wheel.  badpuns++;.
        numspokes = 0;
    Wheel(int rad, int spokes){
         super(rad); //This passes the radius up to the Circle this Wheel also is, so that any calls to this Wheel AS IF IT WAS a Circle, like an array or ArrayList of Circles, will function, which is the point of inheritance.
         numspokes = spokes;