播放视频 - 服务器配置不正确 - 12939

Playing Video - Server is not correctly configured - 12939

我在服务器端有一个 ios 应用程序 laravel (流明)。我正在尝试在应用程序中播放服务器中的视频。

我使用的播放器可以直接 link 播放视频(例如 vine 视频 link),但是当我在本地服务器上保存相同的 vine 视频时,应用程序不会播放视频。事实上,当我用我的 api 路线尝试播放视频时,令人惊讶的是它在 Chrome 上播放视频!但是在应用程序端,我收到错误:

The server is not correctly configured - 12939

(请注意,如果我将相同的 mp4 文件复制到 xCode 项目中,将其添加到 'copy bundle resources',并尝试使用 fileWithPath,它会起作用。所以我相信肯定是服务器问题,不是vidoo问题file/codec.)

我的路线: $app->get('/player/{filename}', 'PlayerController@show');


public function show ($filename)
  $this->playVideo($filename, 'recordings');

public function playVideo($filename, $showType)
    if (file_exists("../uploads/" . $showType . "/" . $filename)) {
        $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
        $type = finfo_file($finfo, "../uploads/" . $showType . "/" . $filename);

        header("Content-Type: " . $type);
        readfile("../uploads/" . $showType . "/" . $filename);

回顾一下我的问题,视频正在 Chrome 上播放但收到“12939”- 'Server is not correctly configured' 在移动应用上。


我尝试使用Apple Documentations中提到的这个:

curl --range 0-99 http://myapi.dev/test.mp4 -o /dev/null


"If the tool reports that it downloaded 100 bytes, the media server correctly handled the byte-range request. If it downloads the entire file, you may need to update the media server."

我收到了 100%,它为我下载了整个文件,所以我相信这是我的问题。但我不确定如何克服这个问题?我究竟做错了什么?我该怎么办?

我 运行 遇到了一个与此类似的问题,但您的案例需要更多配置。

iOS 的 headers 需要使用 运行ge 请求适当设置,我能够为所有浏览器做到这一点的唯一方法是重新设计 this gist 到我需要的。

就我而言,我在 Laravel 中做了类似的事情:

//Video controller
public function showVideo($id){
    $video = Video::find($id);
    return $this->videoService->stream($video);

//Video Service
namespace App\Services\VideoService;
use Illuminate\Routing\ResponseFactory as Response;
use App\Models\Video;
class VideoService implements VideoServiceInterface
    protected $response;
    protected $video;
    private $stream = "";
    private $buffer = 102400;
    private $start  = -1;
    private $end    = -1;
    private $size   = 0;
    public function __construct(Response $response){
        $this->response = $response;
    public function stream(Video $video){
        $this->video = $video;
        return $this->response->stream(function(){
    //Implement the rest of the gist here, renaming where appropriate....

问题是,您使用的 Lumen 不支持响应工厂上的流方法。您需要做的是重新编写我给您的代码以包含 Symfony 的 StreamedResponse Object.

如果你看看如何 Laravel does it,你可能会做这样的事情:

//Video Service
namespace App\Services\VideoService;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse as Response;
use App\Models\Video;
class VideoService implements VideoServiceInterface
    protected $video;
    private $stream = "";
    private $buffer = 102400;
    private $start  = -1;
    private $end    = -1;
    private $size   = 0;

    public function stream(Video $video){
        $this->video = $video;
        return new Response(function(){
    //Implement the rest of the gist here, renaming where appropriate....

这不准确,开箱即用。但这应该为您提供注册自己的服务提供商所需的所有组件,并将其适当地应用于您自己的 use-case.



  • 将其放入 VideoController:

    public function streamVideo() 
      $video_path = 'somedirectory/somefile.mp4';
      $stream = new VideoStream($video_path);
  • 然后在app > helpers > VideoStream.php中创建了一个文件:

         private $path = "";
         private $stream = "";
         private $buffer = 102400;
         private $start  = -1;
         private $end    = -1;
         private $size   = 0;
         function __construct($filePath) 
             $this->path = $filePath;
          *      * Open stream
          *           */
         private function open()
             if (!($this->stream = fopen($this->path, 'rb'))) {
                 die('Could not open stream for reading');
          *      * Set proper header to serve the video content
          *           */
         private function setHeader()
             header("Content-Type: video/mp4");
             header("Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, public");
             header("Expires: ".gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+2592000) . ' GMT');
             header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', @filemtime($this->path)) . ' GMT' );
             $this->start = 0;
             $this->size  = filesize($this->path);
             $this->end   = $this->size - 1;
             header("Accept-Ranges: 0-".$this->end);
             if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) {
                 $c_start = $this->start;
                 $c_end = $this->end;
                 list(, $range) = explode('=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 2);
                 if (strpos($range, ',') !== false) {
                     header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable');
                     header("Content-Range: bytes $this->start-$this->end/$this->size");
                 if ($range == '-') {
                     $c_start = $this->size - substr($range, 1);
                     $range = explode('-', $range);
                     $c_start = $range[0];
                     $c_end = (isset($range[1]) && is_numeric($range[1])) ? $range[1] : $c_end;
                 $c_end = ($c_end > $this->end) ? $this->end : $c_end;
                 if ($c_start > $c_end || $c_start > $this->size - 1 || $c_end >= $this->size) {
                     header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable');
                     header("Content-Range: bytes $this->start-$this->end/$this->size");
                 $this->start = $c_start;
                 $this->end = $c_end;
                 $length = $this->end - $this->start + 1;
                 fseek($this->stream, $this->start);
                 header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
                 header("Content-Length: ".$length);
                 header("Content-Range: bytes $this->start-$this->end/".$this->size);
                 header("Content-Length: ".$this->size);
          *      * close curretly opened stream
          *           */
         private function end()
          *      * perform the streaming of calculated range
          *           */
         private function stream()
             $i = $this->start;
             while(!feof($this->stream) && $i <= $this->end) {
                 $bytesToRead = $this->buffer;
                 if(($i+$bytesToRead) > $this->end) {
                     $bytesToRead = $this->end - $i + 1;
                 $data = fread($this->stream, $bytesToRead);
                 echo $data;
                 $i += $bytesToRead;
          *      * Start streaming video content
          *           */
         function start()
