matlab createtask 与 parcluster
matlab createtask with parcluster
我想在 matlab 中使用 parcluster 并行执行一些步骤。如果我在 matlab 交互模式下执行以下几行,它会正常工作。但是,如果我将它放入一个函数中并执行它,则会产生以下错误。
function []=test()
clust = parcluster();
clust.NumWorkers = 4;
job = createJob(clust);
[Warning: Objects of class 'parallel.cluster.Local' cannot be saved to MAT files.]
[> In CustomGetSet>CustomGetSet.saveobj at 48
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields>iSaveMat at 84
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields at 62
In distcomp.fileserializer.createFields at 9
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.initProperties at 224
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.buildTasks at 531
In CJSJobMethods>CJSJobMethods.createTask at 113
In CJSIndependentJob>CJSIndependentJob.createTaskOnOneJob at 70
In Job.Job>Job.createTask at 269
In test at 7]
[Warning: Objects of class 'parallel.job.CJSIndependentJob' cannot be saved to MAT files.]
[> In CustomGetSet>CustomGetSet.saveobj at 48
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields>iSaveMat at 84
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields at 62
In distcomp.fileserializer.createFields at 9
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.initProperties at 224
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.buildTasks at 531
In CJSJobMethods>CJSJobMethods.createTask at 113
In CJSIndependentJob>CJSIndependentJob.createTaskOnOneJob at 70
In Job.Job>Job.createTask at 269
In test at 7]
[Warning: Objects of class 'parallel.cluster.Local' cannot be saved to MAT files.]
[> In CustomGetSet>CustomGetSet.saveobj at 48
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields>iSaveMat at 84
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields at 62
In distcomp.fileserializer.createFields at 9
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.initProperties at 224
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.buildTasks at 531
In CJSJobMethods>CJSJobMethods.createTask at 113
In CJSIndependentJob>CJSIndependentJob.createTaskOnOneJob at 70
In Job.Job>Job.createTask at 269
In test at 7]
[Warning: Objects of class 'parallel.job.CJSIndependentJob' cannot be saved to MAT files.]
[> In CustomGetSet>CustomGetSet.saveobj at 48
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields>iSaveMat at 84
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields at 62
In distcomp.fileserializer.createFields at 9
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.initProperties at 224
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.buildTasks at 531
In CJSJobMethods>CJSJobMethods.createTask at 113
In CJSIndependentJob>CJSIndependentJob.createTaskOnOneJob at 70
In Job.Job>Job.createTask at 269
In test at 7]
警告的原因相当模糊 - 如警告所示,集群对象和作业对象无法以正常方式保存和加载。但是,您不是(明确地)要求这样做 - 那么为什么要发出警告?好吧,事实证明,当您创建匿名函数时,工作区中的所有变量都会附加到匿名函数,以备不时之需。 (这是匿名函数的当前限制——它们捕获了太多的上下文)。然后,当函数存储在任务中时,它会被保存到磁盘,并发出警告。
% Option 1: suppress warning
warning off 'parallel:cluster:CannotSaveCorrectly'
% Option 2: use an internal function
function []=test()
clust = parcluster();
clust.NumWorkers = 4;
job = createJob(clust);
function x = iSum(a, b)
x = sum([a,b]);
编辑:从 MATLAB R2015b 开始,匿名函数工作区不再捕获太多上下文,因此此问题不应再以相同方式出现。
我想在 matlab 中使用 parcluster 并行执行一些步骤。如果我在 matlab 交互模式下执行以下几行,它会正常工作。但是,如果我将它放入一个函数中并执行它,则会产生以下错误。
function []=test()
clust = parcluster();
clust.NumWorkers = 4;
job = createJob(clust);
[Warning: Objects of class 'parallel.cluster.Local' cannot be saved to MAT files.]
[> In CustomGetSet>CustomGetSet.saveobj at 48
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields>iSaveMat at 84
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields at 62
In distcomp.fileserializer.createFields at 9
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.initProperties at 224
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.buildTasks at 531
In CJSJobMethods>CJSJobMethods.createTask at 113
In CJSIndependentJob>CJSIndependentJob.createTaskOnOneJob at 70
In Job.Job>Job.createTask at 269
In test at 7]
[Warning: Objects of class 'parallel.job.CJSIndependentJob' cannot be saved to MAT files.]
[> In CustomGetSet>CustomGetSet.saveobj at 48
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields>iSaveMat at 84
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields at 62
In distcomp.fileserializer.createFields at 9
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.initProperties at 224
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.buildTasks at 531
In CJSJobMethods>CJSJobMethods.createTask at 113
In CJSIndependentJob>CJSIndependentJob.createTaskOnOneJob at 70
In Job.Job>Job.createTask at 269
In test at 7]
[Warning: Objects of class 'parallel.cluster.Local' cannot be saved to MAT files.]
[> In CustomGetSet>CustomGetSet.saveobj at 48
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields>iSaveMat at 84
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields at 62
In distcomp.fileserializer.createFields at 9
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.initProperties at 224
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.buildTasks at 531
In CJSJobMethods>CJSJobMethods.createTask at 113
In CJSIndependentJob>CJSIndependentJob.createTaskOnOneJob at 70
In Job.Job>Job.createTask at 269
In test at 7]
[Warning: Objects of class 'parallel.job.CJSIndependentJob' cannot be saved to MAT files.]
[> In CustomGetSet>CustomGetSet.saveobj at 48
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields>iSaveMat at 84
In distcomp.fileserializer.pPutFields at 62
In distcomp.fileserializer.createFields at 9
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.initProperties at 224
In CJSSupport>CJSSupport.buildTasks at 531
In CJSJobMethods>CJSJobMethods.createTask at 113
In CJSIndependentJob>CJSIndependentJob.createTaskOnOneJob at 70
In Job.Job>Job.createTask at 269
In test at 7]
警告的原因相当模糊 - 如警告所示,集群对象和作业对象无法以正常方式保存和加载。但是,您不是(明确地)要求这样做 - 那么为什么要发出警告?好吧,事实证明,当您创建匿名函数时,工作区中的所有变量都会附加到匿名函数,以备不时之需。 (这是匿名函数的当前限制——它们捕获了太多的上下文)。然后,当函数存储在任务中时,它会被保存到磁盘,并发出警告。
% Option 1: suppress warning
warning off 'parallel:cluster:CannotSaveCorrectly'
% Option 2: use an internal function
function []=test()
clust = parcluster();
clust.NumWorkers = 4;
job = createJob(clust);
function x = iSum(a, b)
x = sum([a,b]);
编辑:从 MATLAB R2015b 开始,匿名函数工作区不再捕获太多上下文,因此此问题不应再以相同方式出现。