我可以使用 activity 图中的最终节点来结束用例吗?

Can I use final nodes in activity diagrams to end a use case?

我正在制作几个 activity 图表,这些图表描述了有关客户端-服务器应用程序的不同用例。最终节点能否用于指定用例的结束而不是流程的结束?例如,在登录用例结束时,服务器和客户端都不会结束,但它们会继续执行其他交互。在这种情况下我必须使用最终节点吗?




Final Node

There are two types of final node: activity and flow final nodes.

The activity final node is depicted as a circle with a dot inside.

The flow final node is depicted as a circle with a cross inside.

The difference between the two node types is that the flow final node denotes the end of a single control flow; the activity final node denotes the end of all control flows within the activity.
