从 Cloudant 中的文档中提取嵌套值

Extracting nested values from documents in Cloudant

我在提取存储在 Cloudant (CouchDB) 中的值时遇到问题。下面是一个文件存储的例子。

"_id": "d47cd130de736894be5c464c314f1083",
  "_rev": "1-2baf765d6f78bd80b4a604718063c0eb",
  "Name": John,
  "Surname": "Doe",
  "ID": "89884600000001936983",
  "Records": [
      "SeqNo": 14776,
      "Reason": 25,
      "DateUTC": "2015-12-01 01:59:35",
      "Fields": [
          "HeartRate": "68",
          "Weight": "75",
          "Eyesight": 20,
          "OtherData": {
            "1": 4217,
            "2": 1179,
            "3": 2588,
            "4": 2488,
            "5": 21
          "FType": 6
      "SeqNo": 14777,
      "Reason": 25,
      "DateUTC": "2015-12-05 02:00:35",
      "Fields": [
          "HeartRate": "72",
          "Weight": "78",
          "Eyesight": 20,
          "OtherData": {
            "1": 4217,
            "2": 1198,
            "3": 2588,
            "4": 2488,
            "5": 21
          "FType": 6

数据库包含大量文档,每个文档包含多个数据记录,由序号表示。每个文档的数据记录(序列)数可以是 1 ~ 无穷大之间的任何值。其中一个视图应显示一个数组,其中包含从与 John Doe 相关的所有文档中提取的所有值。目前该数据库仅包含与 John Doe 相关的文档,但这将在未来发生变化。


function(doc) {
  if(doc.Records) {
    doc.Records.forEach(function(SeqNo) {


"id": "d47cd130de736894be5c464c314f1083",
 "key": {
  "SeqNo": 14776,
  "Reason": 25,
  "DateUTC": "2015-12-01 01:59:35",
  "Fields": [
     "HeartRate": "68",
     "Weight": "75",
    "Eyesight": 20,
    "OtherData": {
     "1": 4217,
     "2": 1179,
     "3": 2588,
     "4": 2488,
     "5": 21
    "FType": 6
 "value": null,
 "_id": "d47cd130ce736894be5c464c314f1083"


emit(doc.SeqNo,null) 不只提供序号,emit(SeqNo,doc.SeqNo)也不提供 我的问题是,

how do I extract the sequence number only?

how do I then build an array from the results?

would this change when I want to extract OtherData.1 value?


.forEach 正在返回个人记录,我认为此视图所需的 map 函数是

function(doc) {
  if(doc.Records) {
    doc.Records.forEach(function(Record) {
      emit(Record.SeqNo, null);