如何使用 Python 处理异步击键?

How handle asynchronous keystroke with Python?

我正在寻找将击键发送到 Python 脚本的方法。在这种情况下,我试图让脚本检测是否按下了任意键,而不仅仅是中断信号(ctrl + c、ctrl + d、...)。

我检查了信号 python 模块。但它似乎只准备处理中断信号,而不是如果我按 "K" 或 "Space" 为例。我在模块的官方文档中看到了这个:

import signal
import os
import time

def receive_signal(signum, stack):
    print 'Received:', signum

signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, receive_signal)
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, receive_signal)

print 'My PID is:', os.getpid()

while True:
    print 'Waiting...'


To send signals to the running program, I use the command line program kill. To produce the output below, I ran signal_signal.py in one window, then kill -USR1 $pid, kill -USR2 $pid, and kill -INT $pid in another.

我很确定这个模块不是解决方案。您知道可以帮助我将击键异步发送到我的 python 脚本的模块或其他东西吗?


I want the user has the possibility of skip a day, a month or a machine by pressing a key in whatever moment.


And not very sure that this would be possible.


在避免轮询方法的同时,我能想到的唯一方法是 fork(2) 进程,让父进程监听按键,并向子进程发送信号,这实际上确实如此作品。


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, os, time, termios, tty, signal

# Define some custom exceptions we can raise in signal handlers
class SkipYear(Exception):

class SkipMonth(Exception):

# Process one month
def process_month(year, month):

    # Fake up whatever the processing actually is
    print 'Processing %04d-%02d' % (year, month)

# Process one year
def process_year(year):

    # Iterate months 1-12
    for month in range(1, 13):

            process_month(year, month)
        except SkipMonth:
            print 'Skipping month %d' % month

# Do all processing
def process_all(args):

    # Help
    print 'Started processing - args = %r' % args


        # Iterate years 2010-2015
        for year in range(2010, 2016):

            except SkipYear:
                print 'Skipping year %d' % year

    # Handle SIGINT from parent process
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print 'Child caught SIGINT'

    # Return success
    print 'Child terminated normally'
    return 0

# Main entry point
def main(args):

    # Help
    print 'Press Y to skip current year, M to skip current month, or CTRL-C to abort'

    # Get file descriptor for stdin. This is almost always zero.
    stdin_fd = sys.stdin.fileno()

    # Fork here
    pid = os.fork()

    # If we're the child
    if not pid:

        # Detach child from controlling TTY, so it can't be the foreground
        # process, and therefore can't get any signals from the TTY.

        # Define signal handler for SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2
        def on_signal(signum, frame):
            if signum == signal.SIGUSR1:
                raise SkipYear
            elif signum == signal.SIGUSR2:
                raise SkipMonth

        # We want to catch SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, on_signal)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, on_signal)

        # Now do the thing
        return process_all(args[1:])

    # If we get this far, we're the parent

    # Define a signal handler for when the child terminates
    def on_sigchld(signum, frame):
        assert signum == signal.SIGCHLD
        print 'Child terminated - terminating parent'

    # We want to catch SIGCHLD
    signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, on_sigchld)

    # Remember the original terminal attributes
    stdin_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(stdin_fd)

    # Change to cbreak mode, so we can detect single keypresses


        # Loop until we get a signal. Typically one of...
        # a) SIGCHLD, when the child process terminates
        # b) SIGINT, when the user presses CTRL-C
        while 1:

            # Wait for a keypress
            char = os.read(stdin_fd, 1)

            # If it was 'Y', send SIGUSR1 to the child
            if char.lower() == 'y':
                os.kill(pid, signal.SIGUSR1)

            # If it was 'M', send SIGUSR2 to the child
            if char.lower() == 'm':
                os.kill(pid, signal.SIGUSR2)

    # Parent caught SIGINT - send SIGINT to child process
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print 'Forwarding SIGINT to child process'
        os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)

    # Catch system exit
    except SystemExit:
        print 'Caught SystemExit'

    # Ensure we reset terminal attributes to original settings
        termios.tcsetattr(stdin_fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, stdin_attrs)

    # Return success
    print 'Parent terminated normally'
    return 0

# Stub
if __name__ == '__main__':
