二进制搜索 python 3.5

Binary Search python 3.5

我正在尝试在 python 3.5 中编写二进制搜索,但它不起作用我不确定为什么。

def binarySearch(alist, value):

    first = 0
    last = len(alist)-1
    midpoint = (last//2)
    while binarySearch:
        if value == alist[midpoint]:
            return True and print ("found")
            if value < midpoint:
                last = midpoint-1
                if value > midpoint:
                    first = midpoint+1    

如果我将值设置为 4,它会显示已找到,如果我输入任何其他值,则不会发生任何事情,并且它会卡住 运行 什么都不做。


  1. 你的循环条件是错误的while binarySearch?
  2. 您只需更改一次中点的值,而应该在每次循环迭代时更改它。
  3. 您将值与指数(中点)进行比较并且应该与 列表值 (alist[midpoint])
  4. 这是错误的:return True and print ("found")它总是returnNone。

User1915011 先于我回答。根据他的回答和@wim 的评论,我对您的 binarySearch 方法进行了以下更改。

  1. 将循环更改为使用 found 变量
  2. 在循环内 midpoint 添加了额外的赋值
  3. 通过添加 first<=last
  4. 确保循环终止
  5. Return在while循环后找到,表示成功或失败。

    def binarySearch(alist, value):
        first = 0
        last = len(alist)-1
        found = False
        while first<=last and not found:
            midpoint = (first + last)//2
            if value == alist[midpoint]:        
                found =  True 
                if value < alist[midpoint]:
                    last = midpoint-1
                    if value > midpoint:
                        first = midpoint+1  
        return found
    if binarySearch([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],3):
        print "found"


num = int(input('please enter your number: '))  
list = []  
for i in (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1):  
    if num >= i:  
        num = num-i  


    def binarySearch(array, i):

    ## Binary search is the algorithm which is used to search an element in a sorted array

    ## The time complexity of the binary search is O(log n)
    ## Which means that in an array of length(2^(n-1)) elements we need to look at only n elements
    ## That is why we say that binary search algorithm runs in logarithmic time, which is much faster than linear time

    start = 0
    last = len(array)-1
    result = False

    count = 0 ## to debug

    while(start <= last and not result):

        ## Debugger Begin
        mid = 0
        print("Loop number: ", count)
        print("Start element: ", array[start], " Position of Start Element: ", start)
        print("Last element: ", array[last], "  Position of Last Element: ", last)
        ## Debugger End

        mid = (start + last)//2 ## '//' indicates the floor division(ignores the value after the period) 
        if(array[mid] == i):
            result = True;
            if(i < array[mid]):
                print("***The value of the item:",i," we are searching for is LESS than the current middle element***")
                last = mid - 1
                print("***The value of the item:",i," we are searching for is GREATER than the current middle element***")
                start = mid + 1

        ## Debugger
        count = count+1
        print("Mid element: ", array[mid], "   Position of Mid Element: ", mid, "\n")
        ## Debugger

    if(result == True):
        print("\nThe element:",i ,"is in the array")
        print("\nItem is not in the array")

    return result

## Array you want to search
array = [9, 11, 12, 21, 23, 34, 45, 49, 65, 98]

## Item you want to search in the array
i = 21

print("Searching the element: ",i , "\nIn the Array: ", array)
print("Length of the array is: ", len(array))

## Binary Search
binarySearch(array, i)