有没有办法让@Builder 注释适用于不可变 类?

Is there a way to make the @Builder annotation work for immutable classes?

我正在尝试在 Groovy 中开发一个项目,我一直在查看我的代码并试图找到可以用更惯用的东西替换的区域 Groovy 直到我找到.


我已经开始更深入地研究 AST 转换注释的使用 - 它们帮助显着减少了我在某些地方必须编写的代码量。但是,我在使用带有我的不可变值 class 之一的 groovy.transform.builder.Builder 注释时遇到问题。此注释的来源托管在 here.

问题是注释似乎让构建器直接设置构建器的值,而不是存储值的副本并将它们传递给构建器的构造器。当您尝试将它与不可变的 classes 一起使用时,这会导致 ReadOnlyPropertyException

您可以使用此注释 select 四种可能的构建器策略,我已经尝试了其中的 DefaultStrategyExternalStrategyInitializerStrategy。然而,这一切都带来了问题。

ExternalStrategy 看起来是四个中最有前途的,你可以找到一个基于它的 SSCCE 详细说明问题 here.


import groovy.transform.Immutable
import groovy.transform.builder.Builder as GBuilder
import groovy.transform.builder.ExternalStrategy

* Uncommenting the below causes a failure:
* 'groovy.lang.ReadOnlyPropertyException: Cannot set readonly property: value for class: Value'
class Value {

    @GBuilder(forClass = Value, prefix = 'set', builderStrategy = ExternalStrategy)
    static class Builder { }

    int value
    String toString() { "Value($value)" }

def builder = new Value.Builder()
println builder.setValue(1).build()

关于此事似乎也有相关的 JIRA 讨论 here

我试过在下面使用 CFrick 的答案,使用 InitializerStrategy 而不是 ExternalStrategy.

现在一切都可以编译,但是当我尝试执行测试时 运行 时出现以下错误:

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class com.github.tagc.semver.version.BaseVersion from class com.github.tagc.semver.version.BaseVersion$com.github.tagc.semver.version.BaseVersionInitializer
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaringClass(Class.java:1227)
    at java.beans.MethodRef.set(MethodRef.java:46)
    at java.beans.MethodDescriptor.setMethod(MethodDescriptor.java:117)
    at java.beans.MethodDescriptor.<init>(MethodDescriptor.java:72)
    at java.beans.MethodDescriptor.<init>(MethodDescriptor.java:56)
    at java.beans.Introspector.getTargetMethodInfo(Introspector.java:1163)
    at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(Introspector.java:426)
    at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(Introspector.java:173)
    at com.github.tagc.semver.version.VersionFactory.createBaseVersion(VersionFactory.groovy:34)
    at com.github.tagc.semver.test.util.TestSetup.<clinit>(TestSetup.groovy:77)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:344)
    at com.github.tagc.semver.version.SnapshotDecoratorSpec.#decoratedVersion should be considered equal to patch-bumped #releaseVersion snapshot(SnapshotDecoratorSpec.groovy:24)


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.github.tagc.semver.test.util.TestSetup
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:344)
    at com.github.tagc.semver.version.SnapshotDecoratorSpec.#decoratedVersion should be considered equal to minor-bumped #releaseVersion snapshot(SnapshotDecoratorSpec.groovy:36)

我现在拥有的是 BaseVersion class,如下所示:

 * A concrete, base implementation of {@link com.github.tagc.semver.version.Version Version}.
 * @author davidfallah
 * @since v0.1.0
@Builder(prefix = 'set', builderStrategy = InitializerStrategy)
final class BaseVersion implements Version {
    // ...

     * The major category of this version.
    int major = 0

     * The minor category of this version.
    int minor = 0

     * The patch category of this version.
    int patch = 0

     * Whether this version is a release or snapshot version.
    boolean release = false

    // ...


 * A factory for producing base and decorated {@code Version} objects.
 * @author davidfallah
 * @since v0.5.0
class VersionFactory {

    // ...

     * Returns an instance of {@link com.github.tagc.semver.version.BaseVersion BaseVersion} constructed
     * with the given parameters.
     * @param major the major category value of the version instance
     * @param minor the minor category value of the version instance
     * @param patch the patch category value of the version instance
     * @param release the release setting of the version instance
     * @return an instance of {@code BaseVersion}
    static BaseVersion createBaseVersion(int major, int minor, int patch, boolean release) {
        return new BaseVersion(major, minor, patch, release)

     * Returns an instance of {@link com.github.tagc.semver.version.BaseVersion BaseVersion} constructed
     * with the given parameters.
     * @param m a map of parameter names and their corresponding values corresponding to the
     *        construction parameters of {@code BaseVersion}.
     * @return an instance of {@code BaseVersion}
    static BaseVersion createBaseVersion(Map m) {
        return new BaseVersion(m)

     * Returns an instance of {@link com.github.tagc.semver.version.BaseVersion BaseVersion} constructed
     * with the given parameters.
     * @param l a list of parameter values corresponding to the construction parameters of {@code BaseVersion}.
     * @return an instance of {@code BaseVersion}
    static BaseVersion createBaseVersion(List l) {
        return new BaseVersion(l)

     * Returns a builder for {@link com.github.tagc.semver.version.BaseVersion BaseVersion} to specify
     * the construction parameters for the {@code BaseVersion} incrementally.
     * @return an instance of {@code BaseVersion.Builder}
    static Object createBaseVersionBuilder() {
        return BaseVersion.builder()

    // ...

Version 个对象的测试规范class:

 * Test specification for {@link com.github.tagc.semver.version.Version Version}.
 * @author davidfallah
 * @since 0.1.0
class VersionSpec extends Specification {

    static exampleVersions = [
        VersionFactory.createBaseVersion(major:1, minor:2, patch:3),
        VersionFactory.createBaseVersion(major:0, minor:0, patch:0),
        VersionFactory.createBaseVersion(major:5, minor:4, patch:3),
        VersionFactory.createBaseVersion(major:1, minor:16, patch:2),
        VersionFactory.createBaseVersion(major:4, minor:5, patch:8),

    // ...

和其他 class 尝试创建失败的 BaseVersion 实例,例如 TestSetup


 def v = new Value().with{ setValue(1); return it }

这不能在 @Immutable 个对象上完成。

根据 docs,只有 InitializerStrategy 可以显式处理 @Immutable

You can use the InitializerStrategy in conjunction with @Canonical and @Immutable. If your @Builder annotation doesn’t have explicit includes or excludes annotation attributes but your @Canonical annotation does, the ones from @Canonical will be re-used for @Builder.


import groovy.transform.*
import groovy.transform.builder.*

@Builder(prefix='set', builderStrategy=InitializerStrategy)
class Value {
    int value

def builder = Value.createInitializer().setValue(1)
assert new Value(builder).toString()=='Value(1)'

根据您的工作,这是相当丑陋的语法,您最好只使用基于地图的 c'tor。即使没有例如@TypeChecked a new Value(vlaue: 666) 将产生错误并留下参数(对于具有多个属性的 class)将留下它们 null.