使用 Eclipse WindowBuilder 创建 GUI

Creating a GUI with Eclipse WindowBuilder

我正在尝试为我创建的游戏制作 GUI,最初这款游戏是基于控制台的,但我正在努力提高我的技能并添加 GUI。

我已经设法添加了一个按钮并添加了一个事件处理程序,因此当单击该按钮时,代码将 运行,但是,我想知道...

由于我的游戏之前是基于控制台的,我应该将 Main Method 中的所有代码粘贴到 GUI 部分的什么位置,然后我如何让它打印出我在 GUI 中的文本框中使用的文本,那么我将如何显示按钮(在本例中为攻击、防御或逃跑)。

我也想知道如何让代码等待用户单击其中一个按钮,然后在单击该按钮时如何让代码 运行。


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class Start {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
        Random Randint = new Random();

        int level = playerstats.level;
        int experiance = playerstats.experiance;
        int defence = playerstats.defence;
        int levelcap = playerstats.levelcap;
        int attackBase = playerstats.attackbase;
        int agility = playerstats.agility;
        String location = "Hell";
        int health = 100;

        int defended = 0;
        Boolean alive = true;
        if (alive = true) {
            while (alive) {
                if (experiance >= levelcap) {
                    experiance = experiance * 2;
                    attackBase = attackBase + 5;
                boolean enemyalive = false;
                byte Choice;
                int fleeattempt;
                System.out.println("You're still alive. Surprising.");
                System.out.println("Your current level is " + level + " you require " + (levelcap - experiance)
                        + " more experiance to level up");
                System.out.println("Press enter to continue walking");
                System.out.println("You've encountered an enemy!");
                int enemyencountered = Randint.nextInt(1);
                if (enemyencountered == 0) {
                    enemyencountered = enemyencountered + 1;
                } else {
                enemyalive = true;
                while (enemyalive) {
                    switch (enemyencountered) {
                    case 1:
                        int enemyhealth = goblin.health;
                        int enemydefence = goblin.defence;
                        String enemyname = goblin.name;
                        int enemyagility = goblin.agility;
                        while (enemyalive) {
                            if (defended == 1) {
                                defence = defence - 5;
                                defended = 0;
                            System.out.println("You have encountered a " + enemyname);
                            System.out.println("You have " + health + " remaining HP");
                            System.out.println("It has " + enemyhealth + " Remaining HP");
                            System.out.println("1. attack");
                            System.out.println("2. Inspect Enemy");
                            System.out.println("3. Defend");
                            System.out.println("4. Flee");
                            System.out.println("5. Quit.");
                            Choice = reader.nextByte();
                            switch (Choice) {
                                case 1:
                                    int Hit = attackBase - enemydefence;
                                    int attack = Randint.nextInt(Hit);
                                    System.out.println("You hit the enemy for " + attack);
                                    enemyhealth = enemyhealth - attack;
                                    if (enemyhealth <= 0) {
                                        System.out.println(enemyname + " has been killed! Welldone!");
                                        enemyalive = false;
                                case 2:
                                    System.out.println(enemyname + " has " + enemydefence + " defence");
                                case 3:
                                    System.out.println("You prepare yourself for the enemies attack!");
                                    defence = defence + 5;
                                    defended = 1;
                                case 4:
                                    System.out.println("You're trying to flee. Coward!");
                                    fleeattempt = Randint.nextInt(agility);
                                    if (fleeattempt > enemyagility) {
                                        System.out.println("You successfuly Escape!");
                                        enemyalive = false;
                                    } else {
                                        System.out.println("You accidently fall over while trying to escape.");
                                        health = health - 5;
                                        System.out.println("You lose 5 HP.");
                                case 5:
                                    System.out.println("Quitting, eh?... Well, bye!");
                                    alive = false;
                                    enemyalive = false;

                            if (enemyalive) {
                                int enemyattack;
                                enemyattack = goblin.baseattack;
                                int enemydamage = Randint.nextInt(enemyattack);
                                health = health - enemydamage;
                                System.out.println(enemyname + " Has hit you for " + enemydamage + " HP!");

我建议首先阅读更多关于 java 挥杆的内容,甚至在 youtube 上观看并完成教程。您的问题:

问题:我还想知道如何让代码等待用户单击其中一个按钮,然后如何在单击该按钮时让代码 运行。

回答:当您 运行 GUI 代码时,它不会 运行 连续,它会等待 "listens" 用户的输入。当您单击此按钮时,操作 "listener" 或您实施的任何侦听器将 运行 您想要在按钮单击时 运行 的代码。

问题:由于我的游戏之前是基于控制台的,所以我应该将 Main Method 中的所有代码粘贴到 GUI 部分的什么位置,然后如何让它打印出我在 Textbox 中使用的文本GUI,那么我如何让它显示按钮(在本例中为攻击、防御或逃跑)。

答案:GUI 是一个很大的领域,要弄清楚您希望 window 的外观、打印文本的位置和方式,请查看:


对于这些按钮,您始终可以使用 JButton,并且您仍然可以使用从键​​盘输入的 1、2、3、4,至于在这种情况下您将如何按下,Attack、Defend 或 Flee。

关于 windowsbuilder 的另一件事是,在你的情况下,因为你已经在控制台上制作了程序并且你想将它转换成 GUI,它可能更容易,更快并且更值得学习如果您 不使用 windowbuilder。手动完成。