VM 错误无法将交换文件从 0KB 扩展到 1048576 KB

VM error filed to extend swap file from 0KB to 1048576 KB

我有一个带有 35 个虚拟机的 ESXI 主机,我收到下面提到的错误

Filed to start the virtual machine.
Failed to power on VM.
Could not power on VM : msg.vmk.status.VMK_NO_SPACE.
Current swap file size is 0 KB.
Failed to extend Swap file from 0KB to 1048576 KB.

我有 windows VM 运行 并且一些主机出现此错误,我明白一件事,即没有 space 来创建交换文件。我该如何解决这个问题。

我在这个 link

中看到了 3 个解决方案


Connect directly to your host or to your vCenter Server using the VMware Infrastructure/vSphere Client.
Click the Configuration tab for the ESXi/ESX host.
Click Virtual Machine Swapfile Location and click Edit.
Specify the datastore where you want to store the virtual machine swap files.
To complete the action the virtual machine will need to be powered off, then powered on.
Ensure the swap file is located on the specified host datastore.