我应该将 Foundation 6 的图像资源放在哪里?

Where should I put image assets with Foundation 6?

我是 Foundation 6 的新手,不太了解如何处理图像。


http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/starter-projects.html#asset-copying :

Gulp will copy anything out of the src/assets folder as-is to the assets folder of your final project. Note that Sass files, JavaScript files, and images are not part of this copying process, as they have their own steps.

http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/starter-projects.html#image-compression :

By default, all images are copied as-is from assets/img to your dist folder. When building for production, images are run through gulp-imagemin for compression. The plugin supports JPEG, PNG, SVG, and GIF files.

位于 src/assets 文件夹中的图像不会复制到 dist/assets。那么,这是否意味着我应该手动复制它们?那么 src/assets/img 的目的是什么?

此外,对于 Foundation 5,我正在调整各种格式的图像大小以用于 Interchange。 Foundation 6 是否有更高效的流程?



您的 Foundation 6 项目是否使用 Zurb 模板?如果是这样,则有一个已修复的错误(在此答案前 1 天)阻止图像复制到 dist 文件夹。

您只需删除感叹号即可解决此问题。要查看位置,请查看此 PR 的差异: https://github.com/zurb/foundation-zurb-template/pull/25/files

答案来源: https://github.com/zurb/foundation-sites/issues/7552