使用 Python 代码编写的 SHA 512 crypt 输出与 mkpasswd 不同

SHA 512 crypt output written with Python code is different from mkpasswd

运行 mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S salt1234 password 结果如下:


我有这段 Python 代码,我认为它会输出相同的结果,但事实并非如此:

import hashlib, base64
print(base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha512('password' + 'salt1234').digest()))




我的另一个问题是,如何告诉 sha512 函数进行自定义回合。它似乎只需要 1 个参数。


>>> import crypt
>>> crypt.crypt('password', '$' + 'salt1234')

mkpasswdcrypt() function 的前端。我认为这里不是直接的 SHA512 哈希。

一点研究指向 specification for SHA256-crypt and SHA512-crypt,它显示哈希值默认应用 5000 次。您可以使用 -R 切换到 mkpasswd 来指定不同的回合数; -R 5000 确实给你相同的输出:

$ mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S salt1234 -R 5000 password

命令行工具提供的最小回合数为 1000:

$ mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S salt1234 -R 999 password
$ mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S salt1234 -R 1 password

算法有点复杂,需要您创建多个摘要。您 可以 通过 crypt.crypt() function 访问 C crypt() 函数,并以与 mkpasswd 命令行相同的方式驱动它。

SHA512-crypt方法是否可用取决于您的平台; Python 3 版本的 crypt 模块提供了一个 crypt.methods list 来告诉您您的平台支持哪些方法。由于这使用完全相同的库 mkpasswd 使用,您的 OS 显然支持 SHA512-crypt 并且 Python 也可以访问。

您需要在 salt 前加上 '$ 以指定不同的方法。您可以通过在 '$' 字符串和盐之间添加 'rounds=<N>$' 字符串来指定轮数:

import crypt
import os
import string

try:  # 3.6 or above
    from secrets import choice as randchoice
except ImportError:
    from random import SystemRandom
    randchoice = SystemRandom().choice

def sha512_crypt(password, salt=None, rounds=None):
    if salt is None:
        salt = ''.join([randchoice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
                        for _ in range(8)])

    prefix = '$'
    if rounds is not None:
        rounds = max(1000, min(999999999, rounds or 5000))
        prefix += 'rounds={0}$'.format(rounds)
    return crypt.crypt(password, prefix + salt)

这会产生与 mkpasswd 命令行相同的输出:

>>> sha512_crypt('password', 'salt1234')
>>> sha512_crypt('password', 'salt1234', rounds=1000)

这是基于规范的 sha512_crypt 函数的纯 python3 实现。 这仅供参考,请始终使用 crypt.crypt

import hashlib, base64

  42, 21,  0,     1, 43, 22,    23,  2, 44,    45, 24,  3,     4, 46, 25,
  26,  5, 47,    48, 27,  6,     7, 49, 28,    29,  8, 50,    51, 30,  9,
  10, 52, 31,    32, 11, 53,    54, 33, 12,    13, 55, 34,    35, 14, 56,
  57, 36, 15,    16, 58, 37,    38, 17, 59,    60, 39, 18,    19, 61, 40,
  41, 20, 62,    63

def shuffle_sha512(data):
  return bytes(data[i] for i in SHUFFLE_SHA512_INDICES)

def extend_by_repeat(data, length):
  return (data * (length // len(data) + 1))[:length]

CUSTOM_ALPHABET = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

'''  Base64 encode based on SECTION 22.e)
def custom_b64encode(data, alphabet = CUSTOM_ALPHABET):
  buffer,count,result = 0,0,[]
  for byte in data:
    buffer |= byte << count
    count += 8
    while count >= 6:
      result.append(buffer & 0x3f)
      buffer >>= 6
      count -= 6
  if count > 0:
  return ''.join(alphabet[idx] for idx in result)

'''  From http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt
def sha512_crypt(password, salt, rounds_in = None):
  rounds,rounds_defined = 5000, False
  if rounds_in is not None:
    rounds,rounds_defined = rounds_in, True

  assert 1000 <= rounds <= 999999999
  hash = hashlib.sha512
  salt_prefix = '$'
  password = password.encode('utf8')
  salt = salt.encode('ascii')[:16]

  A = hash()             # SECTION 1.
  A.update(password)     # SECTION 2.
  A.update(salt)         # SECTION 3.

  B = hash()             # SECTION 4.
  B.update(password)     # SECTION 5.
  B.update(salt)         # SECTION 6.
  B.update(password)     # SECTION 7.
  digestB = B.digest();  # SECTION 8.

  A.update(extend_by_repeat(digestB, len(password)))  # SECTION 9., 10.

  # SECTION 11.
  i = len(password)
  while i > 0:
    if i & 1:
      A.update(digestB)   # SECTION 11.a)
      A.update(password)  # SECTION 11.b)
    i = i >> 1

  digestA = A.digest()    # SECTION 12.

  DP = hash()             # SECTION 13.
  # SECTION 14.
  for _ in range(len(password)):

  digestDP = DP.digest()  # SECTION 15.

  P = extend_by_repeat(digestDP, len(password))  # SECTION 16.a), 16.b)

  DS = hash()             # SECTION 17.
  # SECTION 18.
  for _ in range(16 + digestA[0]):

  digestDS = DS.digest()  # SECTION 19.

  S = extend_by_repeat(digestDS, len(salt))      # SECTION 20.a), 20.b)

  # SECTION 21.
  digest_iteration_AC = digestA
  for i in range(rounds):
    C = hash()                        # SECTION 21.a)
    if i % 2:
      C.update(P)                     # SECTION 21.b)
      C.update(digest_iteration_AC)   # SECTION 21.c)
    if i % 3:
      C.update(S)                     # SECTION 21.d)
    if i % 7:
      C.update(P)                     # SECTION 21.e)
    if i % 2:
      C.update(digest_iteration_AC)   # SECTION 21.f)
      C.update(P)                     # SECTION 21.g)

    digest_iteration_AC = C.digest()  # SECTION 21.h)

  shuffled_digest = shuffle_sha512(digest_iteration_AC)

  prefix = salt_prefix   # SECTION 22.a)

  # SECTION 22.b)
  if rounds_defined:
    prefix += 'rounds={0}$'.format(rounds_in)

  return (prefix
    + salt.decode('ascii')               # SECTION 22.c)
    + '$'                                # SECTION 22.d)
    + custom_b64encode(shuffled_digest)  # SECTION 22.e)

actual = sha512_crypt('password', 'salt1234')
expected = '$salt1234$Zr07alHmuONZlfKILiGKKULQZaBG6Qmf5smHCNH35KnciTapZ7dItwaCv5SKZ1xH9ydG59SCgkdtsTqVWGhk81'

assert actual == expected