Google 距离矩阵覆盖 - Transit/Tokyo

Google Distance Matrix Coverage - Transit/Tokyo

我在查询东京的公交路线时发现Google距离矩阵APIreturns"ZERO_RESULTS"。然而,根据 Google 的网站,他们 do have "transit" coverage for Tokyo.

此外,如果我尝试 Google 在线地图,我可以获得路线。这是唯一一个我无法使用矩阵 API.


根据问题跟踪器中的 "issue":Issue 7854: Bug: Obtain zero_results from direction api in transit mode in Tokyo,(当前)在日本不提供交通数据:

Unfortunately transit directions are not currently available for Japan in the Directions and Distance Matrix API (Dec 1, 2015)