Azure EventHub:离线事件 buffering/queueing 可能吗?

Azure EventHub: offline event buffering/queueing possible?

我在这里找不到任何确定的答案。我的物联网服务需要容忍不稳定的连接。目前,我自己管理本地缓存并根据需要经常重试云 blob 传输。我可以将其替换为 Azure EventHub 服务吗?即 EventHub 客户端(在 IoT-Core 上)是否会缓冲事件直到连接可用?如果有,相关信息在哪里?



Send asynchronously and send at scale

You can also send events to an Event Hub asynchronously. Sending asynchronously can increase the rate at which a client is able to send events. Both the Send and SendBatch methods are available in asynchronous versions that return a Task object. While this technique can increase throughput, it can also cause the client to continue to send events even while it is being throttled by the Event Hubs service and can result in the client experiencing failures or lost messages if not properly implemented. In addition, you can use the RetryPolicy property on the client to control client retry options.