节点 js 使用 request/request api 调用返回的数据
Node js using data returned from request/request api call
我正在使用 npm request
进行节点 api 调用
request = require('request');
ApiRequest = function (options) {
this.uri = 'http://sampleapi.com/' + options.path,
this.method = options.method,
this.json = options.json
ApiRequest.prototype.call = function () {
request(this, function (error, response, body) {
if (body) {
} else {
console.log(error || "There was a problem placing your request")
exports.startApiCall = function () {
options = {
path: 'available',
method: 'GET'
var myRequest = new Request(options);
当我在 ApiRequest 原型上调用 call() 时,我唯一认为我能做的就是控制台记录输出,我确信如果我使用的是数据库,我将能够插入它。我希望调用函数 return 我的结果对象到它被调用的地方( exports.startApiCall )所以我可以重新使用该函数,因为有时我想控制台记录它,有时用它来建立一个不同的电话。
我已经尝试 return 请求的正文,return 请求本身给了我一个没有正文的巨大对象。我还尝试将 body 设置为一个变量,并将其 return 设置在函数的底部。注意到似乎是如何工作的。
request = require('request');
Request = function (options) {
this.uri = 'http://sampleapi.com/' + options.path,
this.method = options.method,
this.json = options.json
Request.prototype.call = function (callback) {
request(this, function (error, response, body) {
if (body) {
callback(error, body)
} else {
console.log(error || "There was a problem placing your request");
exports.startApiCall = function (callback) {
options = {
path: 'available',
method: 'GET'
var myRequest = new Request(options);
myRequest.call(function(error, body) {
//check the error and body here;
//do the logic
//you can also pass it through to the caller
callback && callback(error, body);
当您使用您的模块(让我们将其命名为 mymodule
var my = require('mymodule');
my.startApiCall(function(error, body){
//do something with body
如果您不希望消费者直接玩错误 and/or 正文,您可以删除回调参数:
exports.startApiCall = function () {
options = {
path: 'available',
method: 'GET'
var myRequest = new Request(options);
myRequest.call(function(error, body) {
//check the error and body here;
//do the logic
//you can also pass it through to the caller
我正在使用 npm request
进行节点 api 调用这是一些基本的示例代码
request = require('request');
ApiRequest = function (options) {
this.uri = 'http://sampleapi.com/' + options.path,
this.method = options.method,
this.json = options.json
ApiRequest.prototype.call = function () {
request(this, function (error, response, body) {
if (body) {
} else {
console.log(error || "There was a problem placing your request")
exports.startApiCall = function () {
options = {
path: 'available',
method: 'GET'
var myRequest = new Request(options);
当我在 ApiRequest 原型上调用 call() 时,我唯一认为我能做的就是控制台记录输出,我确信如果我使用的是数据库,我将能够插入它。我希望调用函数 return 我的结果对象到它被调用的地方( exports.startApiCall )所以我可以重新使用该函数,因为有时我想控制台记录它,有时用它来建立一个不同的电话。
我已经尝试 return 请求的正文,return 请求本身给了我一个没有正文的巨大对象。我还尝试将 body 设置为一个变量,并将其 return 设置在函数的底部。注意到似乎是如何工作的。
request = require('request');
Request = function (options) {
this.uri = 'http://sampleapi.com/' + options.path,
this.method = options.method,
this.json = options.json
Request.prototype.call = function (callback) {
request(this, function (error, response, body) {
if (body) {
callback(error, body)
} else {
console.log(error || "There was a problem placing your request");
exports.startApiCall = function (callback) {
options = {
path: 'available',
method: 'GET'
var myRequest = new Request(options);
myRequest.call(function(error, body) {
//check the error and body here;
//do the logic
//you can also pass it through to the caller
callback && callback(error, body);
当您使用您的模块(让我们将其命名为 mymodule
var my = require('mymodule');
my.startApiCall(function(error, body){
//do something with body
如果您不希望消费者直接玩错误 and/or 正文,您可以删除回调参数:
exports.startApiCall = function () {
options = {
path: 'available',
method: 'GET'
var myRequest = new Request(options);
myRequest.call(function(error, body) {
//check the error and body here;
//do the logic
//you can also pass it through to the caller