计算以分号分隔的累积唯一因子 按名称分组

Count cumulative unique factors separated by semicolon Grouped by Name

这就是我的数据框的样子。最右边的两列是我想要的列。我正在计算每个 row.The 的唯一基金类型的累计数量,第 4 列是所有 "ActivityType" 的累计唯一计数,第 5 列是仅 "ActivityType==" 销售的累计唯一计数”。

dt <- read.table(text='

Name      ActivityType     FundType  UniqueFunds(AllTypes) UniqueFunds(SaleOnly)         

John       Email               a            1                     0
John       Sale                a;b          2                     2 
John       Webinar             c;d          4                     2
John       Sale                b            4                     2
John       Webinar             e            5                     2
John       Conference          b;d          5                     2
John       Sale                b;e          5                     3
Tom        Email               a            1                     0
Tom        Sale                a;b          2                     2 
Tom        Webinar             c;d          4                     2
Tom        Sale                b            4                     2
Tom        Webinar             e            5                     2
Tom        Conference          b;d          5                     2
Tom        Sale                b;e;f        6                     4                    

                         ', header=T, row.names = NULL)

我试过 dt[, UniqueFunds := cumsum(!duplicated(FundType)& !FundType=="") ,by = Name] 但例如它将 a & a;b & c;d 计为 3 个唯一值,而不是所需的 4 个唯一值,因为这些因素由 semicolon.Kindly 分隔让我知道解决方案。


dt <- read.table(text='

    Name      ActivityType     FundType  UniqueFunds(AllTypes) UniqueFunds(SaleOnly)         
    John       Email               ""           0                     0
    John       Conference          ""           0                     0
    John       Email               a            1                     0
    John       Sale                a;b          2                     2 
    John       Webinar             c;d          4                     2
    John       Sale                b            4                     2
    John       Webinar             e            5                     2
    John       Conference          b;d          5                     2
    John       Sale                b;e          5                     3
    John       Email               ""           5                     3
    John       Webinar             ""           5                     3
    Tom        Email               a            1                     0
    Tom        Sale                a;b          2                     2 
    Tom        Webinar             c;d          4                     2
    Tom        Sale                b            4                     2
    Tom        Webinar             e            5                     2
    Tom        Conference          b;d          5                     2
    Tom        Sale                b;e;f        6                     4                    

                             ', header=T, row.names = NULL)


我认为这是实现您所追求目标的一种方式。首先添加一个用于维护输入顺序的辅助索引变量;并且 keyName 上:

Dt <- copy(dt[, 1:3, with = FALSE])[, gIdx := 1:.N, by = "Name"]
setkeyv(Dt, "Name") 


n_usplit <- function(x, spl = ";") length(unique(unlist(strsplit(x, split = spl)))) 

而不是即时输入 body 的表达式 - 下面的操作足够密集,因为它没有一堆嵌套的函数调用令人费解。


Dt[Dt, allow.cartesian = TRUE][
  gIdx <= i.gIdx, 
  .("UniqueFunds(AllTypes)" = n_usplit(FundType),
    "UniqueFunds(SaleOnly)" = n_usplit(FundType[ActivityType == "Sale"])),
  keyby = "Name,i.gIdx,i.ActivityType,i.FundType"][,-2, with = FALSE]
#      Name i.ActivityType i.FundType UniqueFunds(AllTypes) UniqueFunds(SaleOnly)
# 1:   John          Email          a                     1                     0
# 2:   John           Sale        a;b                     2                     2
# 3:   John        Webinar        c;d                     4                     2
# 4:   John           Sale          b                     4                     2
# 5:   John        Webinar          e                     5                     2
# 6:   John     Conference        b;d                     5                     2
# 7:   John           Sale        b;e                     5                     3
# 8:    Tom          Email          a                     1                     0
# 9:    Tom           Sale        a;b                     2                     2
# 10:   Tom        Webinar        c;d                     4                     2
# 11:   Tom           Sale          b                     4                     2
# 12:   Tom        Webinar          e                     5                     2
# 13:   Tom     Conference        b;d                     5                     2
# 14:   Tom           Sale      b;e;f                     6                     4

我觉得我可以用 SQL 更容易地解释这个问题,但我们开始吧:

  1. 自身加入 Dt(通过 Name
  2. 使用额外的索引列(gIdx),仅考虑序列中的前(包含)行 - 这会产生某种累积效应(因为缺少更好的术语)
  3. 计算 UniqueFunds(...) 列 - 注意在第二种情况下完成的额外子集化 - n_usplit(FundType[ActivityType == "Sale"])
  4. 删除无关的索引列 (i.gIdx)。



dt <- fread('
Name      ActivityType     FundType  UniqueFunds(AllTypes) UniqueFunds(SaleOnly)         
John       Email               a            1                     0
John       Sale                a;b          2                     2 
John       Webinar             c;d          4                     2
John       Sale                b            4                     2
John       Webinar             e            5                     2
John       Conference          b;d          5                     2
John       Sale                b;e          5                     3
Tom        Email               a            1                     0
Tom        Sale                a;b          2                     2 
Tom        Webinar             c;d          4                     2
Tom        Sale                b            4                     2
Tom        Webinar             e            5                     2
Tom        Conference          b;d          5                     2
Tom        Sale                b;e;f        6                     4                     
            ', header = TRUE)


dt <- data.table(read.table(text='

                 Name      ActivityType     FundType  UniqueFunds(AllTypes) UniqueFunds(SaleOnly)         
                 John       Email               a            1                     0
                 John       Sale                a;b          2                     2 
                 John       Webinar             c;d          4                     2
                 John       Sale                b            4                     2
                 John       Webinar             e            5                     2
                 John       Conference          b;d          5                     2
                 John       Sale                b;e          5                     3
                 Tom        Email               a            1                     0
                 Tom        Sale                a;b          2                     2 
                 Tom        Webinar             c;d          4                     2
                 Tom        Sale                b            4                     2
                 Tom        Webinar             e            5                     2
                 Tom        Conference          b;d          5                     2
                 Tom        Sale                b;e;f        6                     4                    

                 ', header=T, row.names = NULL))

dt[,UniqueFunds.AllTypes. := NULL][,UniqueFunds.SaleOnly. := NULL]

#Get the different Fund Types
vals <- unique(unlist(str_extract_all(dt$FundType,"[a-z]")))

#Construct a new set of columns indicating which fund types are present

#Calculate UniqueFunds.AllTypes
dt[, UniqueFunds.AllTypes. := 
     rowSums(sapply(.SD, cummax)), .SDcols = vals, by = Name]

#Calculate only when ActicityType == "Sale" and use cummax to achieve desired output
dt[,UniqueFunds.SaleOnly. := 0
   ][ActivityType == "Sale", UniqueFunds.SaleOnly. := 
     rowSums(sapply(.SD, cummax)), .SDcols = vals, by = Name
   ][,UniqueFunds.SaleOnly. := cummax(UniqueFunds.SaleOnly.), by = Name

#Cleanup vals
dt[,vals := NULL, with = FALSE]

nrussell 建议编写自定义函数的简明解决方案。让我放下我得到的东西。我尝试使用 cumsum()duplicated(),就像您尝试的那样。我做了两次大手术。一个用于 alltype,另一个用于 saleonly。首先,我为每个名字创建了索引。然后,我拆分 FundType 并使用 splitstackshape 包中的 cSplit() 以长格式格式化数据。然后,我为每个名称的每个索引号选择了最后一行。最后只选了一栏,alltype.


setDT(dt)[, ind := 1:.N, by = "Name"]
cSplit(dt, "FundType", sep = ";", direction = "long")[,
    alltype := cumsum(!duplicated(FundType)), by = "Name"][,
    .SD[.N], by = c("Name", "ind")][, list(alltype)] -> alltype

二期仅售。基本上,我对待售的子集数据重复了相同的方法,即 ana。我还创建了一个没有售卖的数据集,就是ana2。然后,我创建了一个包含两个数据集的列表(即 l)并绑定它们。我用 Nameind 更改了数据集的顺序,为每个名称和索引号取最后一行,处理 NA(填充 NA 并将每个名称的第一个 NA 替换为 0),最后选择了一列。最后的操作是将原来的dtalltypesaleonly

# data for sale only
cSplit(dt, "FundType", sep = ";", direction = "long")[
    ActivityType == "Sale"][,
    saleonly := cumsum(!duplicated(FundType)), by = "Name"] -> ana

# Data without sale
cSplit(dt, "FundType", sep = ";", direction = "long")[
    ActivityType != "Sale"] -> ana2 

# Combine ana and ana2
l <- list(ana, ana2)
rbindlist(l, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) -> temp
setorder(temp, Name, ind)[,
    .SD[.N], by = c("Name", "ind")][,
    saleonly := na.locf(saleonly, na.rm = FALSE), by = "Name"][,
    saleonly := replace(saleonly, is.na(saleonly), 0)][, list(saleonly)] -> saleonly

cbind(dt, alltype, saleonly)

    Name ActivityType FundType UniqueFunds.AllTypes. UniqueFunds.SaleOnly. ind alltype saleonly
 1: John        Email        a                     1                     0   1       1        0
 2: John         Sale      a;b                     2                     2   2       2        2
 3: John      Webinar      c;d                     4                     2   3       4        2
 4: John         Sale        b                     4                     2   4       4        2
 5: John      Webinar        e                     5                     2   5       5        2
 6: John   Conference      b;d                     5                     2   6       5        2
 7: John         Sale      b;e                     5                     3   7       5        3
 8:  Tom        Email        a                     1                     0   1       1        0
 9:  Tom         Sale      a;b                     2                     2   2       2        2
10:  Tom      Webinar      c;d                     4                     2   3       4        2
11:  Tom         Sale        b                     4                     2   4       4        2
12:  Tom      Webinar        e                     5                     2   5       5        2
13:  Tom   Conference      b;d                     5                     2   6       5        2
14:  Tom         Sale    b;e;f                     6                     4   7       6        4


对于新数据集,我尝试了以下方法。基本上,我将我的方法用于这个新数据集的 saleonly 数据。修改仅在 alltype 部分。首先,我添加了索引,用 NA 替换了“”,并用具有 non-NA 值的行对数据进行了子集化。这是temp。其余与上一个答案相同。现在我想在 FundType 中使用 NAs 的数据集,所以我使用了 setdiff()。使用 rbindlist(),我合并了两个数据集并创建了 temp。其余与上一个答案相同。 sale-part 没有任何变化。我希望这对您的真实数据有用。

### all type

setDT(dt)[, ind := 1:.N, by = "Name"][,
    FundType := replace(FundType, which(FundType == ""), NA)][FundType != ""] -> temp
cSplit(temp, "FundType", sep = ";", direction = "long")[,
    alltype := cumsum(!duplicated(FundType)), by = "Name"] -> alltype

whatever <- list(setdiff(dt, temp), alltype)
rbindlist(whatever, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) -> temp
setorder(temp, Name, ind)[,.SD[.N], by = c("Name", "ind")][,
    alltype := na.locf(alltype, na.rm = FALSE), by = "Name"][,
    alltype := replace(alltype, is.na(alltype), 0)][, list(alltype)] -> alltype

### sale only
cSplit(dt, "FundType", sep = ";", direction = "long")[
    ActivityType == "Sale"][,
    saleonly := cumsum(!duplicated(FundType)), by = "Name"] -> ana

cSplit(dt, "FundType", sep = ";", direction = "long")[
    ActivityType != "Sale"] -> ana2

l <- list(ana, ana2)
rbindlist(l, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) -> temp
setorder(temp, Name, ind)[,
    .SD[.N], by = c("Name", "ind")][,
    saleonly := na.locf(saleonly, na.rm = FALSE), by = "Name"][,
    saleonly := replace(saleonly, is.na(saleonly), 0)][, list(saleonly)] -> saleonly

cbind(dt, alltype, saleonly)

    Name ActivityType FundType UniqueFunds.AllTypes. UniqueFunds.SaleOnly. ind alltype saleonly
 1: John        Email       NA                     0                     0   1       0        0
 2: John   Conference       NA                     0                     0   2       0        0
 3: John        Email        a                     1                     0   3       1        0
 4: John         Sale      a;b                     2                     2   4       2        2
 5: John      Webinar      c;d                     4                     2   5       4        2
 6: John         Sale        b                     4                     2   6       4        2
 7: John      Webinar        e                     5                     2   7       5        2
 8: John   Conference      b;d                     5                     2   8       5        2
 9: John         Sale      b;e                     5                     3   9       5        3
10: John        Email       NA                     5                     3  10       5        3
11: John      Webinar       NA                     5                     3  11       5        3
12:  Tom        Email        a                     1                     0   1       1        0
13:  Tom         Sale      a;b                     2                     2   2       2        2
14:  Tom      Webinar      c;d                     4                     2   3       4        2
15:  Tom         Sale        b                     4                     2   4       4        2
16:  Tom      Webinar        e                     5                     2   5       5        2
17:  Tom   Conference      b;d                     5                     2   6       5        2
18:  Tom         Sale    b;e;f                     6                     4   7       6        4