如何专门化模板化 class 以采用不带参数的方法函数类型?

How to specialize a templatized class for taking a method function type that takes no parameters?

template<typename T, typename U>
class Caller{};

template<typename T, typename RET> 
class Caller<T, RET()>  {}

template<typename T, typename RET, typename HEAD, typename TAIL>
class Caller<T, RET(HEAD,TAIL...)> : Caller<T, RET(TAIL...)> {}

class MyClass { void foo(int,int){}};

Caller<decltype(&MyClass::foo), decltype(&MyClass::foo)> caller();



它没有选择专业化,因为它没有专门化为对象方法。你必须有 void(ClassType::*)(int,int) 才能成为对象方法。

template<typename A>
class Thing<RET(A::*)()> {
    Thing(int a){printf("In 2\n");}

template<typename A, typename RET, typename HEAD, typename... TAIL>
class Thing<RET(A::*)(HEAD, TAIL...)> : Thing<RET(A::*)(TAIL...)> {
    Thing(int a) : Thing<RET(A::*)(TAIL...)>(a){printf("In 3\n");}


class MyClass {public: void foo(int a,int b){}};

// this will print 2, 3, 3
Thing<decltype(&MyClass::foo)> thing(1);