从作为参数传递的数组创建测试用例名称(使用 JUnitParams)

Create test case name (using JUnitParams) from an array passed as a parameter

有没有办法使用 @TestCaseName 注释打印数组的内容(作为测试参数之一传递)?


private static final File JAVA_DIRECTORY = get("src/main/java/").toFile();
private static final String[] NOT_ACCEPTABLE_IN_JAVA_DIRECTORY = {"groovy", "css", "html"};

public Object[] filesNotAcceptedInDirectories() {
    return $(

@Parameters(method = "filesNotAcceptedInDirectories")
@TestCaseName("Verify that no files with extensions {1} are present in directory {0}")
public void verifyFilesArePlacedInAppropriateDirectories(File directory, String[] unacceptableFiles) {
    assertThat(listFiles(directory, unacceptableFiles, true)).isEmpty();


Verify that no files with extensions [groovy, css, html] are present in directory src\main\java


Verify that no files with extensions String[] are present in directory src\main\java

目前看来是不可能的。将参数字符串化的部分是 junitparams.internal.Utils#addParamToResult:

private static String addParamToResult(String result, Object param) {
    if (param == null)
        result += "null";
    else {
        try {
            result += param.toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            result += param.getClass().getSimpleName();
    return result;

private static void tryFindingOverridenToString(Object param)
        throws NoSuchMethodException {
    final Method toString = param.getClass().getMethod("toString");

    if (toString.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

您可以看到只有在参数覆盖 Object#toString 时才使用覆盖的 toString ,否则它只是 class 简单名称,在字符串数组的情况下是 String[].

待新版本(1.0.5)发布后即可 - https://github.com/Pragmatists/JUnitParams/issues/70