使用 "rewrite [hypothesis with implication]"

Using "rewrite [hypothesis with implication]"

正在学习 CIS 500 软件基础课程CIS 500 Software Foundations course. Currently on MoreCoq。我不明白 rewrite IHl1 部分。它是如何工作的?为什么这在 simpl 之前使用时不起作用?

Definition split_combine_statement : Prop := forall X Y (l1 : list X) (l2 : list Y),
  length l1 = length l2 -> split (combine l1 l2) = (l1,l2).

Theorem split_combine : split_combine_statement.
Proof. unfold split_combine_statement. intros. generalize dependent Y. induction l1. 
 Case "l = []". simpl. intros. destruct l2. 
  SCase "l2 = []". reflexivity. 
  SCase "l2 = y :: l2". inversion H.
 Case "l = x :: l1". intros.  destruct l2. 
  SCase "l2 = []". inversion H.
  SCase "l2 = y :: l2". simpl. rewrite IHl1.


IHl1 : forall (Y : Type) (l2 : list Y),
       length l1 = length l2 -> split (combine l1 l2) = (l1, l2)

所以为了重写它,你需要实例化Y类型和l2列表。接下来,您需要提供等式 length l1 = length l2 来重写 split (combine l1 l2) = (l1,l2)。整个解决方案是:

Definition split_combine_statement : Prop := forall X Y (l1 : list X) (l2 : list Y),
  length l1 = length l2 -> split (combine l1 l2) = (l1,l2).

Theorem split_combine : split_combine_statement.
  unfold split_combine_statement. 
  intros. generalize dependent Y. induction l1. 
  simpl. intros. destruct l2. 
  inversion H.
  intros.  destruct l2. 
  inversion H.
  simpl. inversion H. rewrite (IHl1 Y l2 H1). reflexivity.

请注意,要重写 IHl1,我们需要实例化通用量词(为其变量传递足够的值)并为蕴涵提供左侧。用 Coq 的话来说:rewrite (IHl1 Y l2 H1) 正在传递类型 Y 来实例化 IHl1 中的 forall (Y : Type)l2.
