Java EE 容器不允许使用 Java SE 并发性 API

Java EE containers don't allow using Java SE conccurency API

在 Arun Gupta 的书中 "Java EE 7 Essentials" 我发现了这个:

Java EE 容器(例如 EJB 或 Web 容器)不允许使用通用 Java SE 并发 API,例如 java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor, java.lang.Thread,或者直接java.util.Timer。

"do not allow"是什么意思?我不明白容器如何禁止我创建新线程或使用标准 ExecutorService。我的标准线程会怎样?谁能解释一下这些?

一些评论。我明白为什么使用 ManagedExecutorService 而不是 ExecutorService 可以更有效,我不明白如果我使用 SE



... This is because all application code is run on a thread managed by the container, and each container typically expects all access to container-supplied objects to occur on the same thread. This allows the container to manage the resources and provide centralized administration. Further, using resources in a nonmanaged way is discouraged, because it can potentially undermine the enterprise features that the platform is designed to provide, such as availability, security, reliability, and scalability.


Java EE 容器不必明确阻止您以您可能期望的方式调用这些 API(例如,如果您尝试使用它们则抛出异常)。一些 Java EE 容器可能使用 SecurityManager 或其他东西来阻止对某些 类 的访问,但规范不需要这样做。

但是,Java EE 容器将无法管理您使用这些 "unmanaged" JavaSE API 所做的任何事情,并且在有这些 API 时使用它们被认为是不好的做法您可用的托管等效项(例如 ManagedExecutorServiceExecutorService

为了说明,以下代码在 Servlet 中工作得很好:

Runnable printSomething = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

new java.lang.Thread(printSomething, "JavaSE-Thread").start();

(使用 WebSphere Liberty 测试)


Using resources in a nonmanaged way is discouraged, because it can potentially undermine the enterprise features that the platform is designed to provide, such as availability, security, reliability, and scalability.