"Playground execution failed" 使用 XCPShowView 时(标识符:视图 :)

"Playground execution failed" when using XCPShowView(identifier: view:)

当使用 XCPShowView 时,Swift Playground 给了我

Playground execution failed: error: Couldn't lookup symbols:


我使用 xcrun swift-demangle __TF12XCPlayGround11XCPShowViewFTSSCSo6UIView_T_ 来查看 demangled 名称是什么

XCPlayGround.XCPShowView (Swift.String,ObjectiveC.UIView) -> ()

(虽然你可以通过阅读 __TF12XCPlayGround11XCPShowViewFTSSCSo6UIView_T_ 来了解 demangled 名称是什么)


import UIKit
import XCPlayGround

let modelView: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 375.0, height: 667.0))

XCPShowView("modelView", modelView)


该模块称为 "XCPlayground",而不是 "XCPlayGround"。符号查找区分大小写。在标准 HFS+ 文件系统上,导入可能 区分大小写,因此这可以解释为什么导入有效但找不到符号。尝试将其更改为 "XCPlayground",看看是否可以解决问题。


Engineering has the following feedback for you:

In any case, this issue is addressed in the new Xcode 6,.3 seed.