IL 约束调用

IL constrained call


class Program
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine(new MyStruct().ToString());

    struct MyStruct { }

C# 编译器生成 constrained callvirt IL 代码。


For example, if a value type V overrides the Object.ToString() method, a call V.ToString() instruction is emitted; if it does not, a box instruction and a callvirt Object.ToString() instruction are emitted. A versioning problem can arise <...> if an override is later added.

所以,我的问题是:如果编译器将生成 box 代码而不是约束调用,为什么在这种情况下会出现问题?

box 指令创建了相关实例的副本。允许值类型的实例方法修改调用它们的实例,如果这样做,则在副本上静默调用方法是错误的做法。

static class Program
    static void Main()
        var myStruct = new MyStruct();
        Console.WriteLine(myStruct.i); // prints 0
        Console.WriteLine(myStruct.ToString()); // modifies myStruct, not a copy of myStruct
        Console.WriteLine(myStruct.i); // prints 1

    struct MyStruct {
        public int i;
        public override string ToString() {
            i = 1;
            return base.ToString();