具有指针模板参数的模板 class 特化

Specialization of template class with pointer template argument

我想为几个指向不同对象的指针专门化一个模板 class。对于普通指针,这按预期工作:

struct Base{} b;

template<Base* B> struct Test{};

template<> struct Test<&b>{};

但不适用于指向 Derived 对象的指针:

struct Derived : Base{} d;

template<> struct Test<&d>{};

coliru 编译器(我认为是 gcc 5.2)显示以下错误:

main.cpp:14:26: error: could not convert template argument '& d' to 'Base*'
 template<> struct Test<&d>{};


Here 是对 coliru 中代码的 link。


struct Base {} b;
struct Derived : Base {} d;
struct A {} a;

template <class T, T *B,
          class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Base, T>::value>>
struct Test {};

template <> struct Test<Base, &b> {};     // OK
template <> struct Test<Derived, &d> {};  // OK

template <> struct Test<A, &a> {};        // compile error


template <typename T>  
struct MyTest {   // generic implementation for all types 
    MyTest() {    // here I make it unrelevant
        static_assert(is_pointer<T>::value , "this class must be used with a pointer");

template <typename T>
struct MyTest<T*> { // partial specialisation for pointer types
    MyTest() {
        cout <<"generic implementation"<<endl;


struct Base {}; 
struct Derived : Base {};

template <>
struct MyTest<Base*> {  // specialisation for Base
    MyTest() {
        cout <<"specialized implementation for Base"<<endl;

template <>
struct MyTest<Derived*> {  // specialisation for Derived
    MyTest() {
        cout <<"specialized implementation for Derived"<<endl;


MyTest<Base> mt1;   //<== faills because Base is not a poiner
MyTest<int*> mt0;   // generic template
MyTest<Base*> mt2;  // Base specialisation 
MyTest<Derived*> mt3; // derived specialisation 

这里是online demo