是否可以在 libGDX 中仅通过平移和旋转来创建简单的动画?

Is it possible to create a simple animation just with translation and rotation in libGDX?

我正在尝试开发一个非常简单的游戏,使用 libGDX 盒子(所以 3D 游戏)移动和旋转。

我几乎已经准备好了一切,但我无法为我的盒子设置动画。我的意思是,当我触摸屏幕时,我希望我的立方体通过旋转 90 度并向右平移 1(单位)向右移动。结果,箱子右边是新基地,旧基地在左边,箱子向右移动。


文档中仅提及 3D 对象的动画是关于使用来自 blender(和类似工具)的 obj 文件,对于我需要的移动我认为没有必要。



public static class YourAnimation {
    public ModelInstance instance;
    public final Vector3 fromPosition = new Vector3();
    public float fromAngle;
    public final Vector3 toPosition = new Vector3();
    public float toAngle;
    public float speed;
    public float alpha;
    private final static Vector3 tmpV = new Vector3();

    public void update(float delta) {
        alpha += delta * speed;
        if (alpha >= 1f) {
            alpha = 1f;
            // TODO: do whatever you want when the animation if complete
        angle = fromAngle + alpha * (toAngle - fromAngle);
        instance.transform.setToRotation(Vector3.Y, angle);
        tmpV.set(fromPosition).lerp(toPosition, alpha);

YourAnimation animation = null;

void animate(ModelInstance instance) {
    animation = new YourAnimation();
    animation.instance = instance;
    animation.toPosition.set(animation.fromPosition).add(10f, 10f, 10f);
    animation.fromAngle = 0;
    animation.toAngle = 90f;
    animation.speed = 1f; // 1 second per second
    animation.alpha = 0;

public void render() {
    final float delta = Math.min(Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime(), 1/30f);
    if (animation != null)
    // render model as usual etc.

当然这只是一个简单的例子。实际实施将根据用例而有所不同。例如,您还可以扩展 ModelInstance 并跟踪其中的动画。因为它非常具体use-case,但实现起来非常简单,通常不值得使用工具(像Universal Tween Engine

Here is another example I recently wrote for my latest tutorial, perhaps it helps as well. It rotates and moves the cards in this video.