发送:找不到命令 - CentOS 6.2

send: command not found - CentOS 6.2

我正在尝试执行下一个脚本 (run.sh):

# Rooms and Floors example


. ../common.sh

# Send an updateContext request with Room temp
function sendRoomTemp() #(url, floor, room, value)
        "contextElements": [
                "type": "Room",
                "isPattern": "false",
                "id": "''",
                "attributes": [
                        "name": "temperature",
                        "type": "double",
                        "value": ''
                        "name": "floor",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "''"
        "updateAction": "APPEND"

    send  "v1/updateContext" "$payload"

echo "#1 First update CEP with RoomsAndFloors configuration"
CONFIG=`cat config.json`
updateConfig $CEP "$CONFIG"

echo ""
echo "#2 Then send T° of all the rooms to the CEP every 5 sec"

for temp in 12 14 18 20 24 19; do

    echo ""
    echo "# Wait between temperatures updates..."
    echo ""
    sleep 5

    for room in 1 2 3 4; do
        for floor in 1 2 3; do
            # compute a unique temp for each room
            t=$(($temp + (2*$floor) + $room))
            echo " - Send updateContext for Room$floor$room with T°=$t"
            out=$(sendRoomTemp $CEP "Floor$floor" "Room$floor$room" "$t")
            echo "   $out"

当我执行 sh run.sh 时,我得到:

 # Wait between temperatures updates...

 - Send updateContext for Room11 with T°=15
run.sh: line 34: send: command not found

 - Send updateContext for Room21 with T°=17
run.sh: line 34: send: command not found

脚本来自FIWARE Cepheus教程https://fiware-cepheus.readthedocs.org/en/latest/examples/1_RoomsAndFloors/index.html

我的机器是CentOS 6.2



您需要 运行 来自项目目录(如 doc/examples/1_RoomsAndFloors)的示例 run.sh 脚本,因为它们取决于 common.sh 文件在定义 send 函数的父目录 doc/examples