具有随机 ID 的虚拟存储库数据外键

dummyrepository data foreign key with random id


public class Question : BaseClass
    public Question() : base()


    public int QuestionId { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }

    public virtual List<Answer> Answers { get; set; }


public class Answer : BaseClass
    public Answer() : base()

    public int AnswerId { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }

    public int QuestionId { get; set; }
    public virtual Question Question { get; set; } 

它们都扩展了具有一些自定义字段的 BaseClass

public abstract class BaseClass
    protected BaseClass()
        UniqueIdentifier = RandomIdentifier(20);

    public string UniqueIdentifier { get; set; }

    private static string RandomIdentifier(int length)
     //returns an unique identifier 

我的 dummyQuestionRepository 看起来像:

public class DummyQuestionRepository : IQuestionRepository

    private  List<Question> _questions;

    public DummyQuestionRepository()
        _questions = new List<Question>();
        _questions.Add(new Question { Value = "Favourit food?" });
        _questions.Add(new Question { Value = "Who is the president?" });
        _questions.Add(new Question { Value = "Favourit movie?" });

    public List<Question> GetAll()
        return _questions;
    public void Create(Question q)

   //removed the non relevant functions

我的 dummyAnswerRepository

class DummyAnswerRepository
    private  List<Answer> _answers;

    public DummyAnswerRepository()
        _answers = new List<Answer>();
        _answers.Add(new Answer { Value = "pizza" });
        _answers.Add(new Answer { Value = "fries" });
        _answers.Add(new Answer { Value = "Bush" });
        _answers.Add(new Answer { Value = "Obama" });
        _answers.Add(new Answer { Value = "titanic" });
        _answers.Add(new Answer { Value = "lion king" });

   public List<Answer> GetAll()
        return _answers;

    public void Create(Answer a)


您可能会注意到基类有一个 UniqueIdentifier 变量。此变量用于在在线数据库中创建唯一值(不能使用 id,因为用户在离线工作时可以创建相同的 id),答案应以 UniqueIdentifier 作为问题的外键。 我应该如何 get/set 问题的答案才能将它们加载到我的视图中?

好的方法是使用Guid which will help you to merge user databases because Guid has 2^128 unique values. Use Guid.NewGuid生成新的唯一值

public abstract class BaseClass
    protected BaseClass()
        UniqueIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid();

    public Guid UniqueIdentifier { get; set; }

要添加外键,您可以实现类似于 Entity Framework Seed method 的方法,此时答案和问题将在一个地方创建,然后添加到您的存储库中。只需删除从存储库构造函数创建新实体的代码并使用如下代码:

public class DataBaseInitializer
    public void Seed(IQuestionRepository questionRepository, DummyAnswerRepository answerRepository)
        var q1 = new Question { Value = "Favourit food?" };
        var q2 = new Question { Value = "Who is the president?" });
        var q3 = new Question { Value = "Favourit movie?" });


        answerRepository.Create(new Answer { Value = "pizza", Question = q1 });
        answerRepository.Create(new Answer { Value = "fries", Question = q1 });
        answerRepository.Create(new Answer { Value = "Bush", Question = q2 });
        answerRepository.Create(new Answer { Value = "Obama", Question = q2 });
        answerRepository.Create(new Answer { Value = "titanic", Question = q3 });
        answerRepository.Create(new Answer { Value = "lion king", Question = q3 });