在堆叠区域图中将悬停文本格式化为 $ (R / Plot.ly)

Format hover text to $ in stacked area plot (R / Plot.ly)

如何在 R 中将 plot.ly 的 'text' 格式化为美元金额(或其他任何金额)- $4,000,000(带逗号)?

即使我的 'real' 数据已经格式化为 $,一旦我在 add_trace 函数中执行 hoverinfo='x+text',它就会丢失格式。 plotly 的布局函数中的 Hoverformat = "$,f" 也没有帮助。

这是 R 中堆叠面积图的可重现示例:


season <- c('Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall')
y1_real<- c(40, 80, 95, 10)
y2_real<- c(20, 55, 10, 10)
y3_real<- c(40, 10, 60, 180)

df= data.frame(season, y1_real, y2_real, y3_real)

#changing the format of the real data to $

class(df$y1_real)<- c("money", class(df$y1_real) )
class(df$y2_real)<- c("money", class(df$y2_real))
class(df$y3_real)<- c("money", class(df$y3_real))

df$y3_stck<- df$y3_real + df$y2_real + df$y1_real
df$y2_stck<- df$y2_real + df$y1_real
df$y1_stck<- df$y1_real

p1<- plot_ly(df, x=season, y=y1_stck, text=df$y1_real, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Blue", fill="tonexty")
p2<- add_trace(p1, x=season, y=y2_stck, text=df$y2_real, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Orange", fill="tonexty")
p3<- add_trace(p2, x=season, y=y3_stck, text=df$y3_real, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Green", fill="tonexty")

p4<- layout(yaxis=list(showgrid=FALSE, showline=FALSE, hoverformat="$,f"))


这是一个建议:-) 创建三个带有美元符号的新列。

df$y1_reald <- paste(y1_real, "$", sep="")
df$y2_reald <- paste(y2_real, "$", sep="")
df$y3_reald <- paste(y3_real, "$", sep="")

并在文本参数中使用这三个新列。您将看到 $ 显示

p1<- plot_ly(df, x=season, y=y1_stck, text=df$y1_reald, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Blue", fill="tonexty")
p2<- add_trace(p1, x=season, y=y2_stck, text=df$y2_reald, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Orange", fill="tonexty")
p3<- add_trace(p2, x=season, y=y3_stck, text=df$y3_reald, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Green", fill="tonexty")

p4<- layout(yaxis=list(showgrid=FALSE, showline=FALSE, hoverformat="$,f"))



y1_reald <- (y1_real*100000)
y2_reald <- (y2_real*100000)
y3_reald <- (y3_real*100000)
y1_reald <- prettyNum(y1_reald,big.mark=",",scientific=FALSE)
y2_reald <- prettyNum(y2_reald,big.mark=",",scientific=FALSE)
y3_reald <- prettyNum(y3_reald,big.mark=",",scientific=FALSE)
df$y1_reald <- paste(y1_reald, "$", sep="")
df$y2_reald <- paste(y2_reald, "$", sep="")
df$y3_reald <- paste(y3_reald, "$", sep="")

然后 运行

p1<- plot_ly(df, x=season, y=y1_stck, text=df$y1_reald, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Blue", fill="tonexty")
p2<- add_trace(p1, x=season, y=y2_stck, text=df$y2_reald, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Orange", fill="tonexty")
p3<- add_trace(p2, x=season, y=y3_stck, text=df$y3_reald, hoverinfo='x+text+name', name="Green", fill="tonexty")

p4<- layout(yaxis=list(showgrid=FALSE, showline=FALSE, hoverformat="$,f"))
