d3js 图表更新在 websocket 消息上触发
d3js chart update triggered on websocket message
运行 Python 中的高速公路 websocket 服务器,并在 html 前端获取 json 更新。当消息到达并且该部分工作正常时,该值(在本例中为 "temp")显示为带有 innerHTML 的数字。
我们也得到了一个表盘图表(d3js)但是更新是由代码末尾的setInterval函数启动的,这远非理想。如何通过 websocket 更新仪表 'onmessage'?
<script type="text/javascript">
//---the websocket part--
var sock = null;
var displaynumber = null;
var tempdata = null;
window.onload = function () {
var wsuri;
displaynumber = document.getElementById('disp');
if (window.location.protocol === "file:") {
wsuri = "ws://...:9000";
} else {
wsuri = "ws://" + window.location.hostname + ":9000";
//set up a new websocket
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
sock = new WebSocket(wsuri);
} else if ("MozWebSocket" in window) {
sock = new MozWebSocket(wsuri);
} else {
disp("Browser does not support WebSocket!");
window.location = "http://autobahn.ws/unsupportedbrowser";
if (sock) {
//sock.onopen = function() {};
sock.onclose = function(e) {
sock = null;
sock.onmessage = function(e) {
// e.data will be sent as a string and need to be converted to object
var jsondata = JSON.parse(e.data);
tempdata = jsondata.temp;
disp(tempdata + " C");
function disp(m) {
displaynumber.innerHTML = m;
//----This is the dial chart part
function dialChart() {
var powerGauge = gauge('#power-gauge', {
size: 300,
clipWidth: 300,
clipHeight: 300,
ringWidth: 60,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
transitionMs: 1000,
function updateReadings() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 2 * 1000);
的定义末尾添加return powerGauge
。然后当你调用 dialChart();
时,将结果保存到一个变量中。然后,不是在套接字回调中写入 tempdata
,而是调用 powerGaugeVariable.update(jsondata.temp)
运行 Python 中的高速公路 websocket 服务器,并在 html 前端获取 json 更新。当消息到达并且该部分工作正常时,该值(在本例中为 "temp")显示为带有 innerHTML 的数字。
我们也得到了一个表盘图表(d3js)但是更新是由代码末尾的setInterval函数启动的,这远非理想。如何通过 websocket 更新仪表 'onmessage'?
<script type="text/javascript">
//---the websocket part--
var sock = null;
var displaynumber = null;
var tempdata = null;
window.onload = function () {
var wsuri;
displaynumber = document.getElementById('disp');
if (window.location.protocol === "file:") {
wsuri = "ws://...:9000";
} else {
wsuri = "ws://" + window.location.hostname + ":9000";
//set up a new websocket
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
sock = new WebSocket(wsuri);
} else if ("MozWebSocket" in window) {
sock = new MozWebSocket(wsuri);
} else {
disp("Browser does not support WebSocket!");
window.location = "http://autobahn.ws/unsupportedbrowser";
if (sock) {
//sock.onopen = function() {};
sock.onclose = function(e) {
sock = null;
sock.onmessage = function(e) {
// e.data will be sent as a string and need to be converted to object
var jsondata = JSON.parse(e.data);
tempdata = jsondata.temp;
disp(tempdata + " C");
function disp(m) {
displaynumber.innerHTML = m;
//----This is the dial chart part
function dialChart() {
var powerGauge = gauge('#power-gauge', {
size: 300,
clipWidth: 300,
clipHeight: 300,
ringWidth: 60,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
transitionMs: 1000,
function updateReadings() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 2 * 1000);
的定义末尾添加return powerGauge
。然后当你调用 dialChart();
时,将结果保存到一个变量中。然后,不是在套接字回调中写入 tempdata
,而是调用 powerGaugeVariable.update(jsondata.temp)