重复调用 Ng-Options 表达式

Ng-Options Expression Repeatedly Called

我在 angular 中的 <select> 元素有多个问题,我想了解发生了什么。我的第一步是理解为什么我为调试而输入的多个 console.log() 消息反复出现在控制台中,而不是像我期望的那样消息出现一次,它们出现无限次,因为如果是无限循环的一部分。这是从 ng-options 调用的函数的行为方式吗?如果是这样,我不明白为什么,如果不是,那么我想修复我的循环。

我的html:<select ng-options="theorderdate as theorderdate for theorderdate in getOtherOrderDates(Bread.text)" ng-model="randomDateRomantic.randomDateRomantic" ng-change="soRomantic(Bread.text)"></select>

console.log() 消息出现在 getOtherOrderDates() 函数中,如下(包括我的评论):

$scope.getOtherOrderDates = function(loaf) {
  var istheLoafdaily = false;
  var theorderdates = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < $scope.theBreadsList.length; i++) {
    for (var z = 0; z < $scope.theBreadsList[i].breads.length; z++) {
      if ($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].text == loaf && i > 0) //not a daily loaf, goes beyond "Daily Breads" 
        theorderdates = theorderdates.concat($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates); //concat the matched bread's order dates
        console.log(theorderdates, $scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates);
        theorderdates = _.sortBy(theorderdates, function(m) {
          return m.getTime()
        for (var y = 0; y < theorderdates.length; y++) {
          theorderdates[y] = theorderdates[y].toLocaleDateString();
        theorderdates = _.uniq(theorderdates);
        if (theorderdates.length > 0) {
          console.log("Something is wrong here"); //problem
          $scope.randomDateRomantic.randomDateRomantic = theorderdates[0];
        return theorderdates;
      } else if ($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].text == loaf && i == 0) { //a daily loaf, i == 0
        console.log("The bread matched is daily", loaf); //***
        istheLoafdaily = true;
        console.log(theorderdates); //***
        theorderdates = theorderdates.concat($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates); // concat the matched bread's order dates
        console.log(theorderdates, $scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates); //***
        break; // escape the for loop, should it be two breaks?????? yes...
      } else if (istheLoafdaily && i > 0 && $scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates.length > 0) { //not sure what scenario this matches, hence wtf
        theorderdates = theorderdates.concat($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates);

  //end of outermost for loop
  //not sure what this is doing because this functionality is repeated up there^ (for non-daily breads)
  theorderdates = _.sortBy(theorderdates, function(m) {
    return m.getTime()
  for (var y = 0; y < theorderdates.length; y++) {
    theorderdates[y] = theorderdates[y].toLocaleDateString();
  theorderdates = _.uniq(theorderdates);

  if (theorderdates.length > 0) {
    $scope.randomDateRomantic.randomDateRomantic = theorderdates[0];
    console.log("Something is wrong here (daily)"); //problem
  return theorderdates;
  //not sure what this is doing because this functionality is repeated up there^ (for non-daily breads)
  //if change to Locale date string then not unique, but if don't change then not a date to sort!!!!!!! >:(

我无数次收到几乎所有控制台消息,但没有执行任何操作,例如启动 ng-change 函数。例如,我只是将每日面包添加到我的购物车,然后控制台会充满以下消息,我已在我的代码中加注星标。

我的theBreadsList不是很长,所以有些事情一直在重复这样。即使我像您将在我的代码中看到的那样两次退出 for 循环,也无法解释它一直记录到控制台的事实,因为最终循环不会得到满足,这不会花费只要提到过。


getOtherOrderDates会在每个digest cycle中调用,这样angular知道是否更新option中的select。这很可能是您看到此方法被多次调用的原因。

如果您担心此循环对性能的影响,您可以在 controller 中预先构建选项,将其存储在 $scope 中,如下所示:

$scope.options = $scope.getOtherOrderDates($scope.Bread.text);

每当 $scope.Bread.text 更改时,然后在模板中使用 $scope.options

为避免在每个摘要循环中触发循环,您可以使用一次绑定 ::value

<select ng-options="theorderdate as theorderdate for theorderdate in ::getOtherOrderDates(Bread.text)" 

由于 ng-options 中的表达式将只被评估一次,并且观察者将在第一次评估后被删除,这将停止在下一次摘要循环迭代中触发您的函数。