路由将在 servicemix/fuse 后自动关闭

Routes are getting shutdown automatically in servicemix/fuse

一直在开机,几秒后关机,一直在循环。 下面是连续启动和关闭路由的日志

2016-01-04 14:35:03,340 | INFO  | Thread-207       | BlueprintCamelContext            | 117 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.14.1 | Apache Camel 2.14.1 (CamelContext: NIP_Interfaces_Context) is shutting down
2016-01-04 14:35:03,340 | INFO  | Thread-207       | BlueprintCamelContext            | 117 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.14.1 | Apache Camel 2.14.1 (CamelContext: NIP_Interfaces_Context) uptime not started
2016-01-04 14:35:03,340 | INFO  | Thread-207       | BlueprintCamelContext            | 117 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.14.1 | Apache Camel 2.14.1 (CamelContext: NIP_Interfaces_Context) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
2016-01-04 14:35:03,527 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | ClientRouteBuilder               | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.ClientRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,527 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | ClientRouteBuilder               | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.ClientRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,527 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | CoverageDefaultingRouteBuilder   | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.CoverageDefaultingRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | CoverageDefaultingRouteBuilder   | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.CoverageDefaultingRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | DocumentRouteBuilder             | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.DocumentRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | DocumentRouteBuilder             | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.DocumentRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | PolicyRouteBuilder               | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.PolicyRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | PolicyRouteBuilder               | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.PolicyRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | PricingRouteBuilder              | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.PricingRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | PricingRouteBuilder              | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.PricingRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | QuotConversionRouteBuilder       | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.QuotConversionRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | QuotConversionRouteBuilder       | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.QuotConversionRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | QuotCreationRouteBuilder         | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.QuotCreationRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | QuotCreationRouteBuilder         | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.QuotCreationRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:03,543 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | UpdateAuthStatusRouteBuilder     | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.ncp.routes.UpdateAuthStatusRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:04,673 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | UpdateAuthStatusRouteBuilder     | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.ncp.routes.UpdateAuthStatusRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:04,673 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | NIPtoSBMTcDetailsRouteBuilder    | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.NIPtoSBMTcDetailsRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:05,340 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | NIPtoSBMTcDetailsRouteBuilder    | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.NIPtoSBMTcDetailsRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:05,340 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | TaxIdDetailsRouteBuilder         | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.TaxIdDetailsRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:06,471 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | TaxIdDetailsRouteBuilder         | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.TaxIdDetailsRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:06,471 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | TcDetailsRouteBuilder            | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.TcDetailsRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:06,974 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | TcDetailsRouteBuilder            | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.TcDetailsRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:06,974 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | CustomerSearchRouteBuilder       | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.ws.routes.CustomerSearchRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,483 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | CustomerSearchRouteBuilder       | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.ws.routes.CustomerSearchRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,498 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 | BlueprintContainerImpl           | 19 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.4.2 | Bundle com.ndfs.nip.interfaces.nip-interfaces is waiting for dependencies [(&(component=http)(objectClass=org.apache.camel.spi.ComponentResolver)), (&(component=https)(objectClass=org.apache.camel.spi.ComponentResolver))]
2016-01-04 14:35:07,498 | INFO  | Thread-209       | BlueprintCamelContext            | 117 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.14.1 | Apache Camel 2.14.1 (CamelContext: NIP_Interfaces_Context) is shutting down
2016-01-04 14:35:07,498 | INFO  | Thread-209       | BlueprintCamelContext            | 117 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.14.1 | Apache Camel 2.14.1 (CamelContext: NIP_Interfaces_Context) uptime not started
2016-01-04 14:35:07,498 | INFO  | Thread-209       | BlueprintCamelContext            | 117 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.14.1 | Apache Camel 2.14.1 (CamelContext: NIP_Interfaces_Context) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | ClientRouteBuilder               | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.ClientRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | ClientRouteBuilder               | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.ClientRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | CoverageDefaultingRouteBuilder   | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.CoverageDefaultingRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | CoverageDefaultingRouteBuilder   | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.CoverageDefaultingRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | DocumentRouteBuilder             | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.DocumentRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | DocumentRouteBuilder             | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.DocumentRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | PolicyRouteBuilder               | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.PolicyRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | PolicyRouteBuilder               | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.PolicyRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | PricingRouteBuilder              | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.PricingRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | PricingRouteBuilder              | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.PricingRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | QuotConversionRouteBuilder       | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.QuotConversionRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | QuotConversionRouteBuilder       | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.QuotConversionRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | QuotCreationRouteBuilder         | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.QuotCreationRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | QuotCreationRouteBuilder         | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.as400.routes.QuotCreationRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:07,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | UpdateAuthStatusRouteBuilder     | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.ncp.routes.UpdateAuthStatusRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:08,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | UpdateAuthStatusRouteBuilder     | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.ncp.routes.UpdateAuthStatusRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:08,592 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | NIPtoSBMTcDetailsRouteBuilder    | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.NIPtoSBMTcDetailsRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:09,108 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | NIPtoSBMTcDetailsRouteBuilder    | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.NIPtoSBMTcDetailsRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:09,108 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | TaxIdDetailsRouteBuilder         | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.TaxIdDetailsRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:10,162 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | TaxIdDetailsRouteBuilder         | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.TaxIdDetailsRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:10,162 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | TcDetailsRouteBuilder            | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.TcDetailsRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:10,708 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | TcDetailsRouteBuilder            | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Route (class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.sbm.routes.TcDetailsRouteBuilder) started successfully in container NIP_Interfaces_Context
2016-01-04 14:35:10,708 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | CustomerSearchRouteBuilder       | 8 - com.ndfs.nip.framework.nip-framework - 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT | Starting the route class com.ndfs.nip.hdi.ws.routes.CustomerSearchRouteBuilder in container NIP_Interfaces_Context

还有蓝图扩展器:1,蓝图扩展器:2 不断涌现。在调试模式下查看日志级别,没有异常错误。有人可以帮我处理这样的问题吗?


BlueprintContainerImpl | 19 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.4.2 | Bundle com.ndfs.nip.interfaces.nip-interfaces is waiting for dependencies [(&(component=http)(objectClass=org.apache.camel.spi.ComponentResolver)), (&(component=https)(objectClass=org.apache.camel.spi.ComponentResolver))]

表示需要安装具有http组件的camel-http组件。在 JBoss Fuse shell 中键入:features:install camel-http 进行安装。