find only one word of multiple lists in a string
from itertools import product
ttext = 'hello how are you?'
list1 = ['abra', 'hello', 'cfre']
list2 = ['dacc', 'ex', 'you', 'fboaf']
list3 = ['ihhio', 'oih', 'oihoihoo']
l = [list1, list2, list3]
我想要的:例如,如果在文本文本中我有 "hello my name is brian",它会说“好的,只有一个词”,但如果我在文本文本中的列表中有多个词,那么 'error'...
for words in product(*l):
print(words, all(word in ttext for word in words))
(('abra', 'dacc', 'ihhio'), False)
(('abra', 'dacc', 'oih'), False)
(('abra', 'dacc', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('abra', 'ex', 'ihhio'), False)
(('abra', 'ex', 'oih'), False)
(('abra', 'ex', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('abra', 'you', 'ihhio'), False)
(('abra', 'you', 'oih'), False)
(('abra', 'you', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('abra', 'fboaf', 'ihhio'), False)
(('abra', 'fboaf', 'oih'), False)
(('abra', 'fboaf', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('hello', 'dacc', 'ihhio'), False)
(('hello', 'dacc', 'oih'), False)
(('hello', 'dacc', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('hello', 'ex', 'ihhio'), False)
(('hello', 'ex', 'oih'), False)
(('hello', 'ex', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('hello', 'you', 'ihhio'), False)
(('hello', 'you', 'oih'), False)
(('hello', 'you', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('hello', 'fboaf', 'ihhio'), False)
(('hello', 'fboaf', 'oih'), False)
(('hello', 'fboaf', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('cfre', 'dacc', 'ihhio'), False)
(('cfre', 'dacc', 'oih'), False)
(('cfre', 'dacc', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('cfre', 'ex', 'ihhio'), False)
(('cfre', 'ex', 'oih'), False)
(('cfre', 'ex', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('cfre', 'you', 'ihhio'), False)
(('cfre', 'you', 'oih'), False)
(('cfre', 'you', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('cfre', 'fboaf', 'ihhio'), False)
(('cfre', 'fboaf', 'oih'), False)
(('cfre', 'fboaf', 'oihoihoo'), False)
如果列表中只有一个单词在文本中:if ttext = 'hello my name is brian' then 'ok there's only one word of the lists that is in ttext'
但是如果我有 'hello how are you' 我有 'hello' 和 'you' 所以 'not ok two word of the lists are in ttext'
for words in product(*l):
print(words, len(word for word in words if word in ttext) == 1)
for list in l:
if 'hello' in list:
print(list, 'this one got hello in it')
或者不使用 all 而使用 any
print(words, any(word in ttext for word in words))
Python 将两个布尔值之和视为 1 和 0。这意味着您可以通过添加列表中的所有值并检查它是否为 1 来检查列表中的一个真值。以下函数将检查布尔列表中是否有 x 个真值:
def xNumberAreTrue(booleans, x):
return sum(booleans) == x
for words in product(*l):
print(words, xNumberAreTrue([word in ttext for word in words], 1))
其中 word in ttext
的计算结果为 true
或 false
from itertools import product, chain
from string import punctuation
list1 = ['abra', 'hello', 'cfre']
list2 = ['dacc', 'ex', 'you', 'fboaf']
list3 = ['ihhio', 'oih', 'oihoihoo']
l = [list1, list2, list3]
def test(l, tt):
counts = {word.strip(punctuation):0 for word in tt.split()}
for word in chain(*product(*l)):
if word in counts:
counts[word] += 1
if sum(v > 1 for v in counts.values()) > 1:
return False
return True
In [16]: ttext = 'hello my name is brian'
In [17]: test(l,ttext)
Out[17]: True
In [18]: ttext = 'hello how are you?'
In [19]: test(l,ttext)
Out[19]: False
from itertools import product
ttext = 'hello how are you?'
list1 = ['abra', 'hello', 'cfre']
list2 = ['dacc', 'ex', 'you', 'fboaf']
list3 = ['ihhio', 'oih', 'oihoihoo']
l = [list1, list2, list3]
我想要的:例如,如果在文本文本中我有 "hello my name is brian",它会说“好的,只有一个词”,但如果我在文本文本中的列表中有多个词,那么 'error'...
for words in product(*l):
print(words, all(word in ttext for word in words))
(('abra', 'dacc', 'ihhio'), False)
(('abra', 'dacc', 'oih'), False)
(('abra', 'dacc', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('abra', 'ex', 'ihhio'), False)
(('abra', 'ex', 'oih'), False)
(('abra', 'ex', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('abra', 'you', 'ihhio'), False)
(('abra', 'you', 'oih'), False)
(('abra', 'you', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('abra', 'fboaf', 'ihhio'), False)
(('abra', 'fboaf', 'oih'), False)
(('abra', 'fboaf', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('hello', 'dacc', 'ihhio'), False)
(('hello', 'dacc', 'oih'), False)
(('hello', 'dacc', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('hello', 'ex', 'ihhio'), False)
(('hello', 'ex', 'oih'), False)
(('hello', 'ex', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('hello', 'you', 'ihhio'), False)
(('hello', 'you', 'oih'), False)
(('hello', 'you', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('hello', 'fboaf', 'ihhio'), False)
(('hello', 'fboaf', 'oih'), False)
(('hello', 'fboaf', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('cfre', 'dacc', 'ihhio'), False)
(('cfre', 'dacc', 'oih'), False)
(('cfre', 'dacc', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('cfre', 'ex', 'ihhio'), False)
(('cfre', 'ex', 'oih'), False)
(('cfre', 'ex', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('cfre', 'you', 'ihhio'), False)
(('cfre', 'you', 'oih'), False)
(('cfre', 'you', 'oihoihoo'), False)
(('cfre', 'fboaf', 'ihhio'), False)
(('cfre', 'fboaf', 'oih'), False)
(('cfre', 'fboaf', 'oihoihoo'), False)
编辑: 如果列表中只有一个单词在文本中:if ttext = 'hello my name is brian' then 'ok there's only one word of the lists that is in ttext' 但是如果我有 'hello how are you' 我有 'hello' 和 'you' 所以 'not ok two word of the lists are in ttext'
for words in product(*l):
print(words, len(word for word in words if word in ttext) == 1)
for list in l:
if 'hello' in list:
print(list, 'this one got hello in it')
或者不使用 all 而使用 any
print(words, any(word in ttext for word in words))
Python 将两个布尔值之和视为 1 和 0。这意味着您可以通过添加列表中的所有值并检查它是否为 1 来检查列表中的一个真值。以下函数将检查布尔列表中是否有 x 个真值:
def xNumberAreTrue(booleans, x):
return sum(booleans) == x
for words in product(*l):
print(words, xNumberAreTrue([word in ttext for word in words], 1))
其中 word in ttext
的计算结果为 true
或 false
from itertools import product, chain
from string import punctuation
list1 = ['abra', 'hello', 'cfre']
list2 = ['dacc', 'ex', 'you', 'fboaf']
list3 = ['ihhio', 'oih', 'oihoihoo']
l = [list1, list2, list3]
def test(l, tt):
counts = {word.strip(punctuation):0 for word in tt.split()}
for word in chain(*product(*l)):
if word in counts:
counts[word] += 1
if sum(v > 1 for v in counts.values()) > 1:
return False
return True
In [16]: ttext = 'hello my name is brian'
In [17]: test(l,ttext)
Out[17]: True
In [18]: ttext = 'hello how are you?'
In [19]: test(l,ttext)
Out[19]: False