锁定元素版本和锁定标签类型 [lbtype] 之间有什么区别

What is the difference between locking an element version and locking a Label Type [lbtype]

"cleartool lock" 命令可以应用于 lbtype 对象 "REL1" 以及 "file element foo.c version \main".
假设 REL1 已应用于 foo.c@@\main.
假设 foo.c@@\main 已解锁。

对 lbtype 对象“REL1”应用锁定将阻止对任何其他文件的任何更多版本应用“REL1”。
这不会阻止将 foo.c 版本 \main 上的“REL1”替换为另一个尚未解锁的标签类型“REL2”,例如。
假定 foo.c@@\main 已解锁,这将防止将“REL1”重定位到 foo.c@@\main

对“foo.c@@\main”应用锁定将阻止将已应用的 RELEASE LABEL 类型移除到要替换的特定版本或向元素的 foo.c@@\main 添加任何新的 LABEL TYPE 或删除任何已应用于 foo.c@@\main.




cleartool lock

Applying lock to lbtype object "REL1" will prevent applying "REL1" to any more versions of any other files.


Label type. If a label type is locked, you cannot do the following:

  • Use the type in an rmtype, rename, or mklbtype –replace command
  • Attach or remove a version label of that type with mklabel or rmlabel (This includes moving a label from one version to another with mklabel –replace.)

This will not prevent replacing "REL1" on an foo.c version \main with another yet unlocked LABEL TYPE "REL2" for example.

不完全是 "replacing":您可以在给定版本上添加许多不同的标签。

This will prevent relocating "REL1" to foo.c@@\main assuming foo.c@@\main is unlocked.


Version Lock:

If a version is locked, you cannot do the following:

  • Attach a label using mklabel
  • Remove a label using rmlabel or mklabel -replace
  • Attach an attribute using mkattr
  • Remove an attribute using rmattr or mkattr -replace
  • Remove the version using rmver