Customer 和 Commodity 之间的关系是否正确?

Is the relationship between Customer and Commodity correct?

It is known about each employee of the shipping company what their first and last names are, their age, residence address, place of birth, correspondence address, e-mail.

Each employee who is a driver has one of the cars at the disposal. It is known about the car what make it is, what engine it has, when it was manufactured, etc.

Each car has a vehicle card, which contains information on failures, services, repairs, etc.

Shipping company has its customers and gathers the following information about them: first and last names, address, telephone no.

Customers commission the company the shipping of commodities. About commodities the following information is known: quantity, weight, address and date of shipping.

Customer can commission the shipping of more than one commodity. It is also known what the price of such a service is.

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  1. 每个客户可以有多个发货订单。
  2. 每个运输订单可以包含许多商品。
