Skobbler iOS SDK:为什么我的地图注释周围有边框?

Skobbler iOS SDK: Why are there borders around my map annotations?

使用 Skobbler 的 SDK (通过 CocoaPods.v2.5 安装)创建 iOS 地图应用程序。我正在向我的 Skobbler 地图视图添加注释,为我的图钉使用自定义视图,而不是使用 Skobbler 的默认视图之一。我的图钉只会是彩色圆圈。



let pin = UIView()  
pin.layer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 18, 18)
pin.layer.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor().CGColor
pin.layer.cornerRadius = diameter/2

//Just for good measure... NO BORDER
pin.layer.borderColor = UIColor.clearColor().CGColor
pin.layer.borderWidth = 0

let annotation = SKAnnotation()
annotation.annotationView = SKAnnotationView(view: pin, reuseIdentifier: "viewID")
annotation.identifier = 1234
annotation.location = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(44.1234, -111.1234)
mapView.addAnnotation(annotation, withAnimationSettings: animationSettings)



以下是来自 Skobbler 的电子邮件的摘录:

"Indeed we can see a light border (see attach)- that’s the way is generated at our core level and we cannot change this. We’ve checked also if we set a simple view on the map and if we add that view to an annotation indeed the border appears (screenshot 2)."