R 究竟如何解析 `->`,即 right-assignment 运算符?

How exactly does R parse `->`, the right-assignment operator?

所以这是一个微不足道的问题,但我无法回答这个问题让我很烦恼,也许这个答案会告诉我更多关于 R 工作原理的细节。

标题说明了一切:R 如何解析 ->、晦涩难懂的 right-side 赋值函数?



Error: object -> not found


no object named -> was found



Error: could not find function "->"


(3 -> x) #assigns the value 3 to the name x
# [1] 3

看来 R 知道如何简单地反转参数,但我认为上述方法肯定会破解此案:

pryr::ast(3 -> y)
# \- ()
#   \- `<- #R interpreter clearly flipped things around
#   \- `y  #  (by the time it gets to `ast`, at least...)
#   \-  3  #  (note: this is because `substitute(3 -> y)` 
#          #   already returns the reversed version)



`<-`(x, 3) #assigns the value 3 to the name x, as expected

?"->"?assignOpsR Language Definition 都简单地提到它作为正确的赋值运算符。

但是 -> 的使用方式显然有一些独特之处。它不是 function/operator(正如调用 getAnywhere 和直接调用 `->` 所证明的那样),那它是什么?它是否完全属于自己的 class?

除了“-> 在 R 语言中的解释和处理方式是完全独一无二的;记住并继续前进”之外,还有什么可以从中学习的吗?

首先让我说我对解析器的工作原理一无所知。话虽如此,line 296 of gram.y 定义了以下标记来表示 R 使用的(YACC?)解析器中的赋值:


然后,on lines 5140 through 5150 of gram.c,这看起来像对应的C代码:

case '-':
  if (nextchar('>')) {
    if (nextchar('>')) {
      yylval = install_and_save2("<<-", "->>");
      return RIGHT_ASSIGN;
    else {
      yylval = install_and_save2("<-", "->");
      return RIGHT_ASSIGN;

最后,从line 5044 of gram.c开始,install_and_save2的定义:

/* Get an R symbol, and set different yytext.  Used for translation of -> to <-. ->> to <<- */
static SEXP install_and_save2(char * text, char * savetext)
    strcpy(yytext, savetext);
    return install(text);

再说一次,使用解析器的经验为零,似乎 ->->> 分别直接翻译成 <-<<-,在 解释过程中水平很低

你在询问解析器 "knows" 如何将参数反转为 -> 时提出了一个很好的观点 - 考虑到 -> 似乎安装到 R 符号 table 为 <- - 因此能够正确地将 x -> y 解释为 y <- x 而不是 x <- y。我能做的最好的事情就是在我继续遇到 "evidence" 来支持我的主张时提供进一步的推测。希望一些仁慈的 YACC 专家会偶然发现这个问题并提供一些见解;不过,我不会对此屏住呼吸。

回到lines 383 and 384 of gram.y,这看起来像是与上述LEFT_ASSIGNRIGHT_ASSIGN符号相关的更多解析逻辑:

|   expr LEFT_ASSIGN expr       { $$ = xxbinary(,,);  setId( $$, @$); }
|   expr RIGHT_ASSIGN expr      { $$ = xxbinary(,,);  setId( $$, @$); }

虽然我不能真正理解这种疯狂的语法,但我确实注意到 xxbinary 的第二个和第三个参数被交换为 WRT LEFT_ASSIGN (xxbinary(,,) ) 和 RIGHT_ASSIGN (xxbinary(,,))。


LEFT_ASSIGN 场景:y <- x

  • </code> 是上述表达式中解析器的第二个 "argument",即 <code><-
  • </code>是第一个;即 <code>y
  • </code>是第三个; <code>x

因此,生成的 (C?) 调用将是 xxbinary(<-, y, x)

将此逻辑应用于 RIGHT_ASSIGN,即 x -> y,结合我之前关于 <--> 被交换的猜想,

  • </code> 从 <code>-> 翻译成 <-
  • </code> 是 <code>x
  • </code> 是 <code>y

但是由于结果是xxbinary(,,)而不是xxbinary(,,),结果是还是xxbinary(<-, y, x)

进一步构建,我们在 line 3310 of gram.c 上定义了 xxbinary

static SEXP xxbinary(SEXP n1, SEXP n2, SEXP n3)
    SEXP ans;
    if (GenerateCode)
    PROTECT(ans = lang3(n1, n2, n3));
    PROTECT(ans = R_NilValue);
    return ans;

不幸的是,我在 R 源代码中找不到 lang3(或其变体 lang1lang2 等...)的正确定义,但我假设它用于以与解释器同步的方式评估特殊功能(即符号)。

更新 考虑到我对解析过程的(非常)有限的知识,我将尽力在评论中解决您的一些其他问题。

1) Is this really the only object in R that behaves like this?? (I've got in mind the John Chambers quote via Hadley's book: "Everything that exists is an object. Everything that happens is a function call." This clearly lies outside that domain -- is there anything else like this?

首先,我同意这不属于该领域。我相信 Chambers 的引述与 R 环境有关,即在这个低级解析阶段之后发生的所有过程。不过,我将在下面详细介绍这一点。无论如何,我能找到的这种行为的唯一其他示例是 ** 运算符,它是更常见的求幂运算符 ^ 的同义词。与正确的分配一样,** 似乎不是 "recognized" 作为函数调用等......解释器:

R> `->`
#Error: object '->' not found
R> `**`
#Error: object '**' not found 

我找到这个是因为这是唯一的其他情况 install_and_save2 is used by the C parser:

case '*':
  /* Replace ** by ^.  This has been here since 1998, but is
     undocumented (at least in the obvious places).  It is in
     the index of the Blue Book with a reference to p. 431, the
     help for 'Deprecated'.  S-PLUS 6.2 still allowed this, so
     presumably it was for compatibility with S. */
  if (nextchar('*')) {
    yylval = install_and_save2("^", "**");
    return '^';
  } else
    yylval = install_and_save("*");
return c;

2) When exactly does this happen? I've got in mind that substitute(3 -> y) has already flipped the expression; I couldn't figure out from the source what substitute does that would have pinged the YACC...

当然我仍然在这里推测,但是是的,我认为我们可以安全地假设当你调用 substitute(3 -> y) 时,从 the substitute function, the expression always was y <- 3; e.g. the function is completely unaware that you typed 3 -> y. do_substitute, like 99% of the C functions used by R, only handles SEXP arguments - an EXPRSXP in the case of 3 -> y (== y <- 3), I believe. This is what I was alluding to above when I made a distinction between the R Environment and the parsing process. I don't think there is anything that specifically triggers the parser to spring into action - but rather everything you input into the interpreter gets parsed. I did a little more reading about the YACC / Bison parser generator last night, and as I understand it (a.k.a. don't bet the farm on this), Bison uses the grammar you define (in the .y file(s)) to generate a parser in C - i.e. a C function which does the actual parsing of input. In turn, everything you input in an R session is first processed by this C parsing function, which then delegates the appropriate action to be taken in the R Environment (I'm using this term very loosely by the way). During this phase, lhs -> rhs will get translated to rhs <- lhs, ** to ^, etc... For example, this is an excerpt from one of the tables of primitive functions in names.c 的角度来看:

/* Language Related Constructs */

/* Primitives */
{"if",      do_if,      0,  200,    -1, {PP_IF,      PREC_FN,     1}},
{"while",   do_while,   0,  100,    2,  {PP_WHILE,   PREC_FN,     0}},
{"for",     do_for,     0,  100,    3,  {PP_FOR,     PREC_FN,     0}},
{"repeat",  do_repeat,  0,  100,    1,  {PP_REPEAT,  PREC_FN,     0}},
{"break",   do_break, CTXT_BREAK,   0,  0,  {PP_BREAK,   PREC_FN,     0}},
{"next",    do_break, CTXT_NEXT,    0,  0,  {PP_NEXT,    PREC_FN,     0}},
{"return",  do_return,  0,  0,  -1, {PP_RETURN,  PREC_FN,     0}},
{"function",    do_function,    0,  0,  -1, {PP_FUNCTION,PREC_FN,     0}},
{"<-",      do_set,     1,  100,    -1, {PP_ASSIGN,  PREC_LEFT,   1}},
{"=",       do_set,     3,  100,    -1, {PP_ASSIGN,  PREC_EQ,     1}},
{"<<-",     do_set,     2,  100,    -1, {PP_ASSIGN2, PREC_LEFT,   1}},
{"{",       do_begin,   0,  200,    -1, {PP_CURLY,   PREC_FN,     0}},
{"(",       do_paren,   0,  1,  1,  {PP_PAREN,   PREC_FN,     0}},

您会注意到 ->->>** 未在此处定义。据我所知,<-[ 等 R 原始表达式是 R 环境与任何底层 C 代码最接近的交互。我的建议是,在这个过程的这个阶段(从你在解释器中输入一组字符并点击 'Enter',到有效 R 表达式的实际评估),解析器已经发挥了它的魔力,这这就是为什么您不能像通常那样用反引号包围 ->** 来获得函数定义的原因。