Thread.sleep 显然不强制上下文切换

Thread.sleep doesn't force context switch apparently

主线程创建 child 线程。 Parent 需要 child 的一些工作,但不是全部,因此 parent 必须等到 child 完成该工作(child 将继续做其他工作).


public class WaitChildThreadMonitor {

public static final int TOTAL_COUNT_AMOUNT = 1_000;
static int count = 0;

class Child implements Runnable {

    public void run() {

    public synchronized void work() {


        for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_COUNT_AMOUNT; i++)


        // More child work that parent doesn't need right now
        //  ...
        for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_COUNT_AMOUNT; i++)

    private void letParentWaitForThis() {

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {}


    public synchronized void waitForWork() throws InterruptedException {

void main() throws InterruptedException {

    Child child = new Child();
    Thread childThread = new Thread(child);

    // If the next two methods doesn't execute atomically,
    //      parent execution gets blocked forever

    System.out.printf("Count value is %d\n", WaitChildThreadMonitor.count);


public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    (new WaitChildThreadMonitor()).main();


问题是,如果child在parent完成主要工作后执行"this.notifyAll()",然后"child.waitForWork()"执行"this.wait()",parent 不会收到通知,将永远被阻止。

我试图解决这个问题,在 child 使用 Thread.sleep() 方法开始他的工作之前强制进行上下文切换。它似乎没有按预期工作。

睡眠和不睡眠,有时 parent 会被阻塞,程序永远不会结束,有时它会正确结束(我猜是因为 parent 在 child 通知之前等待)。



如果你想等待的事情已经发生,你就不能打电话给wait。这就是调用 wait 的方法是 synchronized 的原因——因此您可以检查代表您正在等待的东西的共享状态。

所以这是一个标准的 producer-consumer 问题。很久以前,我写了一个只使用 synchronizedwait-notify 的实现。我看不到您的代码产生了什么;此代码仅使用 int 作为生成的内容。将 Storage 中的数组类型更改为其他 class 类型。

package quicktest;

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * @author Brenden Towey
public class ProducerConsumer {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
      Storage circularBuffer = new Storage();
      Counter producer1 = new Counter( circularBuffer, 1000 );
      Counter producer2 = new Counter( circularBuffer, 2000 );
      Counter producer3 = new Counter( circularBuffer, 3000 );
      Counter producer4 = new Counter( circularBuffer, 4000 );

      ExecutorService exe = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

      exe.execute( producer1 );
      exe.execute( producer2 );
      exe.execute( producer3 );
      exe.execute( producer4 );

      Printer consumer = new Printer( circularBuffer );
      exe.execute( consumer );

      Thread.sleep( 100 );// wait a bit
      exe.awaitTermination( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS );

// Producer
class Counter implements Runnable {
   private final Storage output;
   private final int startingValue;

   public Counter(Storage output, int startingValue) {
      this.output = output;
      this.startingValue = startingValue;

   public void run() {
         try {
            for( int i = startingValue; ; i++ ) 
         } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            // exit...


class Storage {
   private final int[] buffer = new int[20];
   private int head;
   private int count;
   public synchronized void put( int i ) throws InterruptedException {
      while( count == buffer.length ) wait();// full
      buffer[head++] = i;
      head %= buffer.length;
   public synchronized int get() throws InterruptedException {
      while( count == 0 ) wait(); // empty
      int tail = (head - count) % buffer.length;
      tail = (tail < 0) ? tail + buffer.length : tail;
      int retval = buffer[tail];
      return retval;

// Consumer
class Printer implements Runnable {
   private final Storage input;

   public Printer(Storage input) {
      this.input = input;

   public void run() {
         try {
            for( ;; ) 
               System.out.println( input.get() );
         } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            // exit...