在这个例子中有没有办法避免 UndecidableInstances?

Is there a way to avoid UndecidableInstances in this example?


import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Vector.Generic (Vector)

data Entry a = Entry !Bool a
             deriving (Generic, NFData)

-- The variable @v@ is meant to be instantiated with a 'Vector'
-- type.  Most operations for the type have a @Vector v (Entry a)@
-- constraint.
newtype DenseIntMap v a = DenseIntMap (v (Entry a))

instance NFData (v (Entry a)) => NFData (DenseIntMap v a) where
  rnf (DenseIntMap va) = rnf va


    Constraint is no smaller than the instance head
      in the constraint: Vector v (Entry a)
    (Use UndecidableInstances to permit this)
    In the instance declaration for ‘NFData (DenseIntMap v a)’

    Constraint is no smaller than the instance head
      in the constraint: NFData (v (Entry a))
    (Use UndecidableInstances to permit this)
    In the instance declaration for ‘NFData (DenseIntMap v a)’

使用 UndecidableInstances 确实可以让它消失,但我对使用该扩展持谨慎态度。在这种情况下还有其他方法可以使事情正常进行吗? (最好不要过多更改类型。)


对我来说最干净的方法是遵循 Prelude.Extras 风格的路径:

class NFData1 f where
  rnf1 :: NFData a => f a -> ()


instance NFData1 V where
  rnf1 = rnf


instance (NFData1 v, NFData a) => NFData (DenseIntMap v a) where ...

另一种可能更适合您当前代码的替代方法是明确地将 v 视为 Vector。与其担心 v a 会如何强迫自己,不如通过折叠将你自己的想法压在喉咙里:比如

instance (Vector v a, NFData a) => NFData (DenseIntMap v a) where
  rnf = V.foldl' (\() e -> rnf e) ()
