使用来自 PHP 的 APNS HTTP/2 发送通知的问题

Issuse with send notification with APNS HTTP/2 from PHP

最近我的推送通知证书超时,因此我必须创建新证书 Universal Push Notification Client SSL Certificate。但是当我更新我的证书时,我的 php 服务器无法推送通知,Apple return 错误

Unable to set private key file

最近的 Apple 更新似乎出现了问题。

APNs Provider API

Apple Push Notification service includes the APNs Provider API that allows you to send remote notifications to your app on iOS, tvOS, and OS X devices, and to Apple Watch via iOS. This API is based on the HTTP/2 network protocol. Each interaction starts with a POST request, containing a JSON payload, that you send from your provider server to APNs. APNs then forwards the notification to your app on a specific user device.

