如何组合 Observables 以避免给定的嵌套和依赖回调?

How to compose Observables to avoid the given nested and dependent callbacks?

this blog, he gives this(copy/pasted下面的代码)例子中为回调地狱。但是,没有提到如何使用 Reactive Extensions 来消除这个问题。


  1. 想知道 Rx 中的功能等价物是什么。
  2. 如何在Rx中表示F1,F2,F3,F4,F5都应该异步拉取?

注意:我目前正在尝试围绕 Rx 思考,所以在问这个问题之前我没有尝试解决这个例子。

import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

public class CallbackB {

     * Demonstration of nested callbacks which then need to composes their responses together.
     * <p>
     * Various different approaches for composition can be done but eventually they end up relying upon
     * synchronization techniques such as the CountDownLatch used here or converge on callback design
     * changes similar to <a href="https://github.com/Netflix/RxJava">Rx</a>.
    public static void run() throws Exception {
        final ExecutorService executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 4, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>());
        /* the following are used to synchronize and compose the asynchronous callbacks */
        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(3);
        final AtomicReference<String> f3Value = new AtomicReference<String>();
        final AtomicReference<Integer> f4Value = new AtomicReference<Integer>();
        final AtomicReference<Integer> f5Value = new AtomicReference<Integer>();

        try {
            // get f3 with dependent result from f1
            executor.execute(new CallToRemoteServiceA(new Callback<String>() {

                public void call(String f1) {
                    executor.execute(new CallToRemoteServiceC(new Callback<String>() {

                        public void call(String f3) {
                            // we have f1 and f3 now need to compose with others
                            System.out.println("intermediate callback: " + f3 + " => " + ("f4 * f5"));
                            // set to thread-safe variable accessible by external scope 

                    }, f1));


            // get f4/f5 after dependency f2 completes 
            executor.execute(new CallToRemoteServiceB(new Callback<Integer>() {

                public void call(Integer f2) {
                    executor.execute(new CallToRemoteServiceD(new Callback<Integer>() {

                        public void call(Integer f4) {
                            // we have f2 and f4 now need to compose with others
                            System.out.println("intermediate callback: f3" + " => " + (f4 + " * f5"));
                            // set to thread-safe variable accessible by external scope 

                    }, f2));
                    executor.execute(new CallToRemoteServiceE(new Callback<Integer>() {

                        public void call(Integer f5) {
                            // we have f2 and f5 now need to compose with others
                            System.out.println("intermediate callback: f3" + " => " + ("f4 * " + f5));
                            // set to thread-safe variable accessible by external scope 

                    }, f2));


            /* we must wait for all callbacks to complete */
            System.out.println(f3Value.get() + " => " + (f4Value.get() * f5Value.get()));
        } finally {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    private static final class CallToRemoteServiceA implements Runnable {

        private final Callback<String> callback;

        private CallToRemoteServiceA(Callback<String> callback) {
            this.callback = callback;

        public void run() {
            // simulate fetching data from remote service
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    private static final class CallToRemoteServiceB implements Runnable {

        private final Callback<Integer> callback;

        private CallToRemoteServiceB(Callback<Integer> callback) {
            this.callback = callback;

        public void run() {
            // simulate fetching data from remote service
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    private static final class CallToRemoteServiceC implements Runnable {

        private final Callback<String> callback;
        private final String dependencyFromA;

        private CallToRemoteServiceC(Callback<String> callback, String dependencyFromA) {
            this.callback = callback;
            this.dependencyFromA = dependencyFromA;

        public void run() {
            // simulate fetching data from remote service
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            callback.call("responseB_" + dependencyFromA);

    private static final class CallToRemoteServiceD implements Runnable {

        private final Callback<Integer> callback;
        private final Integer dependencyFromB;

        private CallToRemoteServiceD(Callback<Integer> callback, Integer dependencyFromB) {
            this.callback = callback;
            this.dependencyFromB = dependencyFromB;

        public void run() {
            // simulate fetching data from remote service
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            callback.call(40 + dependencyFromB);

    private static final class CallToRemoteServiceE implements Runnable {

        private final Callback<Integer> callback;
        private final Integer dependencyFromB;

        private CallToRemoteServiceE(Callback<Integer> callback, Integer dependencyFromB) {
            this.callback = callback;
            this.dependencyFromB = dependencyFromB;

        public void run() {
            // simulate fetching data from remote service
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            callback.call(5000 + dependencyFromB);

    private static interface Callback<T> {
        public void call(T value);

根据你的代码。假设使用 Observable.

 Observable<Integer>  callRemoveServiceA()  { /* async call */  }

/* .... */

Observable<Integer>  callRemoveServiceE(Integer f2) { /* async call */  }


  • 调用 serviceA 然后调用 serviceB 得到 serviceA
  • 的结果
  • 调用 serviceC 然后调用 serviceDserviceE 得到 serviceC
  • 的结果
  • 利用serviceEserviceD的结果,构建一个新值
  • serviceB
  • 的结果显示新值

使用 RxJava,您将使用以下代码实现此目的:

Observable<Integer> f3 = callRemoveServiceA() // call serviceA
            // call serviceB with the result of serviceA
            .flatMap((f1) -> callRemoveServiceB(f1)); 

Observable<Integer> f4Andf5 = callRemoveServiceC() // call serviceC
                    // call serviceD and serviceE then build a new value
                    .flatMap((f2) -> callRemoveServiceD(f2).zipWith(callRemoveServiceE(f2), (f4, f5) -> f4 * f5));

// compute the string to display from f3, and the f4, f5 pair
f3.zipWith(f4Andf5, (childF3, childF4Andf5) -> childF3 + " => " + childF4Andf5)
            // display the value

这里重要的部分是使用 flapMapzip(或 zipWith

您可以在此处获取有关 flapMap 的更多信息:When do you use map vs flatMap in RxJava?

我是有关回调和 Java 期货的参考博客 post 的原作者。下面是一个使用 flatMap、zip 和 merge 异步进行服务组合的例子。

它获取一个 User 对象,然后同时获取 Social 和 PersonalizedCatalog 数据,然后从 PersonalizedCatalog 中为每个视频同时获取一个 Bookmark、Rating 和 Metadata,将它们压缩在一起,并将所有响应合并到一个渐进式流输出中作为服务器发送的事件。

return getUser(userId).flatMap(user -> {
    Observable<Map<String, Object>> catalog = getPersonalizedCatalog(user)
            .flatMap(catalogList -> catalogList.videos().<Map<String, Object>> flatMap(
                    video -> {
                        Observable<Bookmark> bookmark = getBookmark(video);
                        Observable<Rating> rating = getRatings(video);
                        Observable<VideoMetadata> metadata = getVideoMetadata(video);
                        return Observable.zip(bookmark, rating, metadata, (b, r, m) -> combineVideoData(video, b, r, m));

    Observable<Map<String, Object>> social = getSocial(user).map(s -> {
        return s.getDataAsMap();

    return Observable.merge(catalog, social);
}).flatMap(data -> {
    String json = SimpleJson.mapToJson(data);
    return response.writeStringAndFlush("data: " + json + "\n");

可以在 https://github.com/Netflix/ReactiveLab/blob/952362b89a4d4115ae0eecf0e73f273ecb27ba98/reactive-lab-gateway/src/main/java/io/reactivex/lab/gateway/routes/RouteForDeviceHome.java#L33


由于我不可能在此处提供所有信息,您还可以在 https://speakerdeck.com/benjchristensen/reactive-streams-with-rx-at-javaone-2014?slide=32.

找到演示文稿形式的解释(带有 link 视频)