ERROR: 2.0+ Platforms require a service role. You can provide one with --service-role option
ERROR: 2.0+ Platforms require a service role. You can provide one with --service-role option
我们最近将 EB CLI 工具升级到版本 3.6.2 (Python 2.7.6)。
现在当我们启动一个新的 eb 环境时...
eb create dev-env -p "64bit Amazon Linux 2015.09 v2.0.4 running Ruby 2.2 (Puma)" --single -i t2.micro --envvars SECRET_KEY_BASE=g5dh9cg61...
EB ERROR: 2.0+ Platforms require a service role. You can provide one with --service-role option
EB CLI 现在要求您指定 Service-Role。
如果您还没有,请在此处创建一个 'aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role' 角色:
- Select 'Amazon EC2' Aws 服务角色类型;
- 分配一项或多项权限;
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"sts:ExternalId": "elasticbeanstalk"
现在,当您启动新的 EB 环境时,包括 --service-role 选项:
eb create dev-env -p "64bit Amazon Linux 2015.09 v2.0.4 running Ruby 2.2 (Puma)" --single -i t2.micro
--service-role aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role --envvars SECRET_KEY_BASE=g5dh9cg614a37d4bd
对于其他想知道的人,有一个更简单的选择:您可以再次 运行 eb create
且不带任何参数,eb cli 将引导您完成创建新 --service- 的步骤角色(如果你还没有)。
In Windows, adding an .ebignore file causes the EB CLI to follow symbolic links and include the linked file when creating a source bundle. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future update.
我们最近将 EB CLI 工具升级到版本 3.6.2 (Python 2.7.6)。
现在当我们启动一个新的 eb 环境时...
eb create dev-env -p "64bit Amazon Linux 2015.09 v2.0.4 running Ruby 2.2 (Puma)" --single -i t2.micro --envvars SECRET_KEY_BASE=g5dh9cg61...
EB ERROR: 2.0+ Platforms require a service role. You can provide one with --service-role option
EB CLI 现在要求您指定 Service-Role。
如果您还没有,请在此处创建一个 'aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role' 角色:
- Select 'Amazon EC2' Aws 服务角色类型;
- 分配一项或多项权限;
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal":{ "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition":{ "StringEquals":{ "sts:ExternalId": "elasticbeanstalk" } } } ] }
现在,当您启动新的 EB 环境时,包括 --service-role 选项:
eb create dev-env -p "64bit Amazon Linux 2015.09 v2.0.4 running Ruby 2.2 (Puma)" --single -i t2.micro
--service-role aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role --envvars SECRET_KEY_BASE=g5dh9cg614a37d4bd
对于其他想知道的人,有一个更简单的选择:您可以再次 运行 eb create
且不带任何参数,eb cli 将引导您完成创建新 --service- 的步骤角色(如果你还没有)。
Note In Windows, adding an .ebignore file causes the EB CLI to follow symbolic links and include the linked file when creating a source bundle. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future update.