
Is it possible to host telegram on my own server?

Telegram 是一种基于云的聊天服务。他们所有的客户都是开源的。我想知道是否有办法在我自己的服务器上托管 'private' 电报服务。


您可以实施完整的工作 Telegram-API,然后通过此 API 在您的服务器上托管客户端。



根据 official telegram FAQ 当前答案是 :

Q: Can I run Telegram using my own server?

Our architecture does not support federation yet. Telegram is a unified cloud service, so creating forks where two users might end up on two different Telegram clouds is unacceptable. To enable you to run your own Telegram server while retaining both speed and security is a task in itself. At the moment, we are undecided on whether or not Telegram should go in this direction.

所以只要服务器本身不是open-source整个Telegrameco-system都不能算open-source,即使有一个open[=54] =] 和官方 open-source 客户。

似乎有一些 unofficial telegram servers,但不清楚它们与现有客户端的兼容性如何。


  • Matrix is allegedly providing "an open network for secure, decentralized communication" and has both open-source clients (Element 是 'official' 一个)和一个 open-source 服务器可以是 self-hosted。但是,虽然表面上看起来不错,但有迹象表明其背后的公司与政府行为者有未公开的密切联系(类似于 Signal)。

  • XMPP/Jabber has been around for a longer time, is an open protocol with multiple server and client implementations, and might be the least tainted by third-party interests. XMPP was the underlying protocol behind the original Google Talk Messenger 在更名为 Google Hangouts 并切换到专有协议之前。

  • Teamspeak 团队协作平台,最初面向游戏玩家,免费客户端和服务器。

  • Mumble a voice oriented solution which allows self-hosted servers.