Azure VM 的多个 public IP

Multiple public IPs to Azure VM

我正在使用 azure 的新资源管理器设置和几个虚拟机,我正在尝试找到将多个 IP 关联到单个虚拟机的最佳方法。

我阅读了几篇不同的文章,ILPIP(实例级别 public IP)、负载平衡池和多个 NIC。

我不确定最佳选择。我的 VM 已经设置和配置好,所以我不想再次经历加载新 VM 以启用某些功能的过程(有人提到多个 NIC 仅在新 VM 上可用)。


我需要每个 VM 的多个 IP,因为我们有一些站点具有 SSL,由于旧的浏览器限制,这些站点无法通过 SNI 提供服务。



在 ARM(Azure 资源管理器)模型中,实现具有不同 public IP 的多个 SSL 站点的最佳方法是通过 load-balancer。

  • 创建一个load-balancer,有一个后端池,多个front-end IP配置(public-IP各一个),多个LB规则(public-IP各一个:443 -> 后端池:)。
  • 将所有带有 NIC 的虚拟机配置为后端池的一部分。一张网卡就够了,不需要multi-NIC。

请注意,您可以 create a load-balancer through Powershell, Azure CLI or ARM templates。目前,门户网站支持不可用。

另请参阅此 sample template with multiple public IPs on a load-balancer


# Two public IP addresses
$publicIP1 = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name PublicIp1 -ResourceGroupName NRP-RG -Location "West US" –AllocationMethod Static -DomainNameLabel loadbalancernrp 
$publicIP2 = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name PublicIp2 -ResourceGroupName NRP-RG -Location "West US" –AllocationMethod Static -DomainNameLabel loadbalancernrp 

# Two frontend IP configurations
$frontendIP1 = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig -Name LB-Frontend1 -PublicIpAddress $publicIP1 
$frontendIP2 = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig -Name LB-Frontend2 -PublicIpAddress $publicIP2

# One backend pool. 
# Note that Name parameter value
$beaddresspool= New-AzureRmLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolConfig -Name "LB-backend"

# Two LB rules
# Note that backend port is 444 for the second rule.
$lbrule1 = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerRuleConfig -Name "HTTPS1" -FrontendIpConfiguration $frontendIP1 -BackendAddressPool  $beAddressPool -Probe $healthProbe -Protocol Tcp -FrontendPort 443 -BackendPort 443
$lbrule2 = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerRuleConfig -Name "HTTPS2" -FrontendIpConfiguration $frontendIP2 -BackendAddressPool  $beAddressPool -Probe $healthProbe -Protocol Tcp -FrontendPort 443 -BackendPort 444

# Two NICs
# Use the specific backendpool referenced in the LB rules
$backendnic1 = New-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name lb-nic1-be -ResourceGroupName NRP-RG -Location "West US" -Subnet $backendSubnet -LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool $beaddresspool
$backendnic2 = New-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name lb-nic2-be -ResourceGroupName NRP-RG -Location "West US" -Subnet $backendSubnet -LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool $beaddresspool

如果您已经设置了负载均衡器,您可以使用以下 powershell 添加 public IP 和前端 IP 配置到您现有的负载均衡器:

$IPName = "PublicIp2"
#domain name lable must be lower case
$DomainName = "public2"
$frontendConfigName = "LB-" + $DomainName

$slb = get-AzureRmLoadBalancer -Name my-web-loadbalancer -ResourceGroupName RGN01
$publicIP2 = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $IPName -ResourceGroupName RGN01 -Location "West Europe" –AllocationMethod Static -DomainNameLabel $DomainName
$frontendIP2 = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig -Name $frontendConfigName -PublicIpAddress $publicIP2
$slb | Add-AzureRmLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig -PublicIpAddress $publicIP2 -Name $frontendConfigName
$slb | Set-AzureRmLoadBalancer 

$HTTPSName = $DomainName + "HTTPS"
$HTTPName = $DomainName + "HTTP"
$healthProbe = $slb.Probes[0]

#You need to get a backend port that's not being used. Use #Get-AzureRmLoadBalancerRuleConfig -LoadBalancer $slb to see the config rules that are currently on the load balancer
#don't use 445 - it's used by Active directory
#You need to open the ports you've chosen on your webservers firewalls
$slb | Add-AzureRmLoadBalancerRuleConfig -Name $HTTPSName -FrontendIpConfiguration $frontendIP2 -BackendAddressPool $slb.BackendAddressPools[0] -Probe $healthProbe -Protocol Tcp -FrontendPort 443 -BackendPort 446
$slb | Set-AzureRmLoadBalancer
$slb | Add-AzureRmLoadBalancerRuleConfig -Name $HTTPName -FrontendIpConfiguration $frontendIP2 -BackendAddressPool $slb.BackendAddressPools[0] -Probe $healthProbe -Protocol Tcp -FrontendPort 80 -BackendPort 82
$slb | Set-AzureRmLoadBalancer