
Birthday paradox

我想模拟java中的生日悖论。出于某种原因,我的输出(概率)一直非常接近 1,例如模拟(10)->0,9268。一开始你可以看到我的模拟应该接近的概率。很长一段时间以来,我一直在寻找我的代码中的错误,所以我希望你们中的任何人都能帮助我。我查找了生日悖论的其他代码,但其中 none 似乎能够帮助我处理奇怪的输出。 p.s。你可以忽略//TODO,一旦我得到代码和运行,我就会修复它。 谢谢提前!

static final int DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365;
static final int NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS = 500; 

LCG random;
HashSet<Integer> birthdaySet = new HashSet<Integer>();

    random = new LCG(); //random numbers between 0 and 1

int generateBirthday(){ //generates random birthday
    return (int) Math.round(Math.random()*DAYS_IN_YEAR); //TODO use LGC

double iteration(int numberOfStudents){ //one iteration from the simulation
    int sameBirthdays = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStudents; i++){
        int bd = generateBirthday();

        if (birthdaySet.contains(bd)){
        } else {
    return (double) sameBirthdays/numberOfStudents; //probability of two students having the same birthday

void simulation(int numberOfStudents){
    double probabilitySum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS; i++){
        probabilitySum += iteration(numberOfStudents);
    System.out.printf("For n=%d -> P=%.4f \n", numberOfStudents, probabilitySum/NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS);

private void start() {

    simulation(10); //should be about 0.1
    simulation(20); //should be about 0.4
    simulation(23); //should be about 0.5
    simulation(35); //should be about 0.8

public static void main(String[] argv) {
    new BirthdayProblem2().start();


您没有清除迭代之间的 birthdaySet。将它从字段更改为局部变量将防止出现此类错误,因为为什么首先需要它作为字段?

换句话说,generateBirthday 应该使用 Random.nextInt(DAYS_IN_YEAR)Random 的实例是作为字段的主要候选者。那 LCG random; 行到底是什么?


方法iteration() 应该return 布尔值,用于判断是否有相同生日的学生。真值数 returned 除以调用数等于概率。

由于一年中的天数相对较少,布尔数组会比 Set 更快,所以这里更新代码:

private static final int DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365;
private static final int NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS = 500;
private Random rnd = new Random();
private int generateBirthday() {
    return this.rnd.nextInt(DAYS_IN_YEAR);
private boolean iteration(int numberOfStudents) { //one iteration from the simulation
    boolean[] present = new boolean[DAYS_IN_YEAR];
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStudents; i++) {
        int birthday = generateBirthday();
        if (present[birthday])
            return true;
        present[birthday] = true;
    return false;
void simulation(int numberOfStudents){
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS; i++)
        if (iteration(numberOfStudents))
    System.out.printf("For n=%d -> P=%.4f%n", numberOfStudents, (double)count/NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS);


For n=10 -> P=0.1340
For n=20 -> P=0.4120
For n=23 -> P=0.5080
For n=35 -> P=0.8160
For n=10 -> P=0.1200
For n=20 -> P=0.4120
For n=23 -> P=0.5260
For n=35 -> P=0.8140
For n=10 -> P=0.1260
For n=20 -> P=0.3920
For n=23 -> P=0.5080
For n=35 -> P=0.7920


For n=10 -> P=0.1167
For n=20 -> P=0.4113
For n=23 -> P=0.5075
For n=35 -> P=0.8145
For n=10 -> P=0.1168
For n=20 -> P=0.4113
For n=23 -> P=0.5072
For n=35 -> P=0.8142

正如 andreas 已经指出的那样 birthdaySet 应该在迭代之间被清除,否则该集合将包含来自先前模拟的数据


在概率论中,生日问题或生日悖论关注的是在一组 n 个随机选择的人中,其中一些人的生日相同的概率。

是至少有2个人生日相同的概率。这意味着只要 2 等于 1 就应该返回。


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;

public class BirthdayProblem2 {
    static final int DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365;
    static final int NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS = 500;

    Random random;
    HashSet<Integer> birthdaySet = new HashSet<Integer>();

    BirthdayProblem2() { random = new Random(); }

    int generateBirthday() { return random.nextInt(DAYS_IN_YEAR); }

    double iteration(int numberOfStudents) { //one iteration from the simulation

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStudents; i++) {
            int bd = generateBirthday();

            if (birthdaySet.contains(bd)) {
                return 1.0;


        return 0.0;

    void simulation(int numberOfStudents) {
        double probabilitySum = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS; i++) {
            probabilitySum += iteration(numberOfStudents);

        System.out.printf("For n = %d -> P = %.4f \n", numberOfStudents, probabilitySum / NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS);

    private void start() {
        simulation(10); //should be about 0.1
        simulation(20); //should be about 0.4
        simulation(23); //should be about 0.5
        simulation(35); //should be about 0.8

    public static void main(String... whatever) { new BirthdayProblem2().start(); }