
Does a Fully Qualified Domain Name need a period?

我对 FQDN(完全限定域名)感到困惑。 FQDN 是否需要以句号结尾?喜欢 sunsun.tuc.noao.edu.sun.tuc.noao.edu。有什么区别?

How IT Works: Domain Name System

All DNS records actually end with the period character (.) which represents the root of the DNS hierarchy, but it's rarely printed and is usually just assumed. A domain name that includes the trailing period character is said to be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). However, domain names where the period character is implicit are also commonly referred to as FQDNs.

Source: TechNet Magazine


通常你不会(点)。在 FQDN 的末尾,除非它在 ​​DNS 中。 如果您在大多数情况下为内部 machine/server 添加此 FQDN,我们不会在末尾添加(点)。

看看 [2] DNS 规范,RFC 1034,早在 1987 年:

When a user needs to type a domain name, the length of each label is omitted and the labels are separated by dots ("."). Since a complete domain name ends with the root label, this leads to a printed form which ends in a dot. We use this property to distinguish between:

  • a character string which represents a complete domain name (often called "absolute"). For example, "poneria.ISI.EDU."

  • a character string that represents the starting labels of a domain name which is incomplete, and should be completed by local software using knowledge of the local domain (often called "relative"). For example, "poneria" used in the ISI.EDU domain.


[1] http://www.dns-sd.org/trailingdotsindomainnames.html

[2] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1034.txt