在行内搜索特定的短语模式。 python

Searching for specific phrase pattern within lines. python



这是一个短语,我想在我的文件中搜索它。 ... 意味着这里应该有几个单词(即在这个空隙中),而 (...) 意味着 may/may 在这个空隙中没有单词。 GS这里是我知道的固定字符串变量。



一些示例文本 -

  1. !Series_summary "To better understand how the expression of a *mutant gene that causes ALS* can perturb the normal phenotype of astrocytes, and to identify genes that may

这里的 GS 是 ALS(已定义),带星号的文本应该是规则 mutant...causes(...)GS

  1. !Series_overall_design "The analysis includes 9 samples of genomic DNA from isolated splenic CD11c+ dendritic cells (>95% pure) per group. The two groups are neonates born to mothers with *induced allergy to ovalbumin*, and normal control neonates. All neonates are genetically and environmentally identical, and allergen-naive."

这里的 GS 是卵清蛋白(已定义),带星号的文本应该是规则的正匹配项 induced...to GS

我是 python 的编程初学者,所以任何帮助都会很棒!!

以下应该可以帮助您入门,它将读取您的文件并使用 Python regular expression 显示所有可能的匹配行,这将帮助您确定它匹配所有正确的行:

import re

with open('input.txt', 'r') as f_input:
    data = f_input.read()
    print re.findall(r'(mutant\s.*?\scauses.*?GS)', data, re.S)

然后只搜索一个匹配项,将 findall 更改为 search:

import re

with open('input.txt', 'r') as f_input:
    data = f_input.read()
    if re.search(r'(mutant\s.*?\scauses.*?GS)', data, re.S):
        print 'found'


import re
import glob

for filename in glob.glob('*.*'):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f_input:
        data = f_input.read()
        if re.search(r'mutant\s.*?\scauses.*?GS', data, re.S):
            print "'{}' matches".format(filename)