Symfony vichimage 上传在 formbuilder 中制作两个标签

Symfony vichimage upload make two labels in formbuilder


这是 vich 图像包的配置:

    db_driver: orm
            uri_prefix:         /images/products
            upload_destination: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/images/products
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true
            uri_prefix:         /images/apartment
            upload_destination: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/images/apartment
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true
            uri_prefix:         /images/slider
            upload_destination: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/images/slider
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true
            uri_prefix:         /images/point
            upload_destination: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/images/point
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true
            uri_prefix:         /images/object
            upload_destination: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/images/object
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true
            uri_prefix:         /images/gallery
            upload_destination: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/images/gallery
            inject_on_load:     false
            delete_on_update:   true
            delete_on_remove:   true


public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        ->add('translations', 'a2lix_translations',array(
            'required_locales' => array('bg','en')
        ->add('mode','checkbox', array('label'=> 'In sell','required'=>false))
        ->add('longt','text',array('label'=>'Longitude '))
        ->add('imageLeadFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'label'=>'Lead image Home Page (720x534)',
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ->add('imageLocationFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ->add('imagePinFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ->add('imageAligmentFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ->add('imageAligmentIconFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ->add('imageArchitectureIconFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ))->add('imageStageIconFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ))->add('imageLocationIconFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ))->add('imageGalleryIconFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ))->add('imageColumFirstFile', 'vich_image', array(
        'required' => false,
        'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        ))->add('imageColumSecondFile', 'vich_image', array(
        'required' => false,
        'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
        'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
    ))->add('imageColumThirdFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
    ))->add('imageColumForthFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true


        ->add('imageLeadFile', 'vich_image', array(
            'label'=>'Lead image Home Page (720x534)',
            'required' => false,
            'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
            'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true



{% block vich_file_widget %}
{% spaceless %}
    <div class="vich-file">
        {{ form_row(form.file) }}
        {% if form.delete is defined %}
        {{ form_row(form.delete) }}
        {% endif %}

        {% if download_uri is defined and download_uri %}
        <a href="{{ download_uri }}">{{ 'download'|trans({}, 'VichUploaderBundle') }}</a>
        {% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock %}

{% block vich_image_widget %}
{% spaceless %}
    <div class="vich-image">
        {{ form_row(form.file) }}
        {% if form.delete is defined %}
        {{ form_row(form.delete) }}
        {% endif %}

        {% if download_uri is defined and download_uri %}
         <a href="{{ download_uri }}"><img src="{{ download_uri }}" alt="" /></a>
        {% endif %}
        {% if show_download_link and download_uri is defined and download_uri%}
        <a href="{{ download_uri }}">{{ 'download'|trans({}, 'VichUploaderBundle') }}</a>
        {% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock %}

在 CoreBundle 中使用外部 twig 文件的配置:

    # other form themes
    - 'CoreBundle:VichForm:fields.html.twig'



# app/config/config.yml
        # other form themes
        - 'VichUploaderBundle:Form:fields.html.twig'


{% block vich_file_widget %}
{% spaceless %}
    <div class="vich-file">
        {{ form_widget(form.file) }} {# here is the change #}

或其他人说在 twig 中你可以将标签设置为 false 'label'=>false

尝试将 vich_image 更改为 file,如下所示:

->add('imageLeadFile', 'file', array(
    'label'=>'Lead image Home Page (720x534)',
    'required' => false,
    'allow_delete' => true, // not mandatory, default is true
    'download_link' => true, // not mandatory, default is true


在 VichUploaderBundle 模板文件 'fields.html.twig' 中,执​​行以下操作:

<div class="vich-file">
    {{ form_widget(form.file) }}
    {% if form.delete is defined %}
    {{ form_row(form.delete, {'label': 'Delete'}) }}
    {% endif %}


<div class="vich-image">
    {{ form_widget(form.file) }}
    {% if form.delete is defined %}
    {{ form_row(form.delete, {'label': 'Delete'}) }}
    {% endif %}

(这只是基本的 Twig 顺便说一句)