
About correct notation of pareto dominance in optimization

我搜索了 Pareto Dominance 的正确符号,但我不知道这是 Mathexchange 的问题还是这里..

在多篇论文中,像经典的Deb nsga2 paper,你可以找到这样写的pareto dominance关系


wikipedia, or other paper, like this one of Zitler中,你发现了另一个符号:


这里最好和最正确的数学符号是什么? 这个符号的确切名称是什么?

≺ 被称为 precedes, ≻ succeeds.

根据众所周知的 Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms,A 支配 B 的标准符号是 A ≻ B:

20.1 Pareto Optimality


Domination: a point x* is said to dominate x if the following two conditions hold:

  1. fi(x*) <= fi(x) for all i ∈ [1,k]
  2. fi(x*) < fi(x) for at least one j ∈ [1,k]

that is x* is at least as good as x for all objective function values and it's better than x for at least one objective function value. We use the notation:


to indicate that x* dominates x.

This notation can be confusing because the symbol ≻ looks like a "greater than" symbol but since we deal mainly with minimization problems, the symbol ≻ means the function values of x* are less than or equal to those of x.

However this notation is standard in the literature, so this is the notation that we use.

然而,甚至使用了反向符号(可能"to avoid"作者所指的混淆!)