Any() 没有返回预期结果——替代方案?

Any() is not returning expected result -- alternatives?

Edit2 与一些团队成员一起找到了解决方案。请参阅我对该决议的评论。


我正在尝试查找拥有群组类型为 blank/null/empty 的所有用户。代码:

expression = (x => x.PersonGroups.Any(y => y.Group.GroupType == null || y.Group.GroupType == "")); 
return expression

我们数据库中有很多用户认为这个表达式应该return。相反,它没有 return 任何。一位比我更聪明、更有经验的同事昨天和我一起查看了生成的 SQL,他得出的所有结论是,这是 LINQ 和 Entity 不能很好地协同工作的一个很好的例子。正在查询的实体已正确映射到数据库。我查了又查,这段代码肯定是在做这件事的代码(不是之前也不是之后)。最令人困惑的是,我们的代码中还有其他 linq 查询看起来与这个 return 预期结果非常相似。


1) 你看到我做错了什么吗?

2) 如果不写原始 SQL,可能的替代方案是什么?我一直在尝试尽可能多地阅读有关 LINQ 的内容,但我确定我遗漏了一些东西。


(注意:我还没有找到这些帖子来完全回答我的问题:1, 2, 3, 4

Edit1: 生成了 sql 代码。

[UnionAll4].[C2] AS [C1], 
[UnionAll4].[C218] AS [C218]
    [UnionAll3].[C1] AS [C1], 
    [UnionAll3].[C2] AS [C2], 
    [UnionAll3].[C193] AS [C218]
        CASE WHEN ([UnionAll1].[Person1Id1] IS NULL) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) ELSE 1 END AS [C1], 
        [Project6].[C1] AS [C2],  
        CAST(NULL AS bit) AS [C193]
        FROM   (SELECT 
            [Project4].[Id] AS [Id], 
            [Project4].[ProfilePicturePath] AS [ProfilePicturePath], 
            1 AS [C1]
            FROM ( SELECT 
                [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],  
                [Extent1].[ProfilePicturePath] AS [ProfilePicturePath], 
                    COUNT(1) AS [A1]
                    FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent4]
                    WHERE [Extent1].[Id] = [Extent4].[People_ID]) AS [C1]
                FROM [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent1]
                WHERE ( EXISTS (SELECT 
                    1 AS [C1]
                    FROM ( SELECT 
                        [Extent2].[Id] AS [Id], 
                        [Extent2].[Discipline] AS [Discipline]
                        FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent2]
                        WHERE [Extent1].[Id] = [Extent2].[People_ID]
                    )  AS [Project1]
                    WHERE (LTRIM(RTRIM([Project1].[Discipline])) IN (N'RR', N'IAR', N'INS', N'TAX', N'TRST', N'MRTG', N'BD', N'RIA')) AND (LTRIM(RTRIM([Project1].[Discipline])) IS NOT NULL) AND ((@p__linq__0 = 1) OR (@p__linq__1 = 1) OR ( EXISTS (SELECT 
                        1 AS [C1]
                        FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Discipline_Agents] AS [Extent3]
                        WHERE ([Project1].[Id] = [Extent3].[People_Discipline_ID]) AND ([Extent3].[Agent_ID] IN (cast(5307 as bigint), cast(241 as bigint), cast(242 as bigint), cast(271 as bigint), cast(274 as bigint), cast(275 as bigint), cast(276 as bigint), cast(373 as bigint), cast(543 as bigint), cast(754 as bigint), cast(760 as bigint), cast(761 as bigint), cast(793 as bigint), cast(794 as bigint), cast(795 as bigint), cast(796 as bigint), cast(832 as bigint), cast(833 as bigint), cast(834 as bigint), cast(938 as bigint), cast(1370 as bigint), cast(1580 as bigint), cast(1733 as bigint), cast(1809 as bigint), cast(1857 as bigint), cast(1903 as bigint), cast(1951 as bigint), cast(2265 as bigint), cast(2391 as bigint), cast(2397 as bigint), cast(2423 as bigint), cast(2556 as bigint), cast(2567 as bigint), cast(2581 as bigint), cast(2743 as bigint), cast(2744 as bigint), cast(2745 as bigint), cast(2819 as bigint), cast(3153 as bigint), cast(3162 as bigint), cast(3166 as bigint), cast(3212 as bigint), cast(3227 as bigint), cast(3398 as bigint), cast(3634 as bigint), cast(3722 as bigint), cast(3757 as bigint), cast(3820 as bigint), cast(3862 as bigint), cast(3871 as bigint), cast(4393 as bigint), cast(4461 as bigint), cast(4565 as bigint), cast(4592 as bigint), cast(4742 as bigint), cast(4955 as bigint), cast(5002 as bigint), cast(5104 as bigint), cast(5234 as bigint), cast(5254 as bigint), cast(5306 as bigint), cast(5321 as bigint), cast(5322 as bigint)))
                )) AND ([Extent1].[HoldingCompanyId] = @p__linq__2) AND ([Extent1].[ConfirmationNeededTypeId] IS NULL)
            )  AS [Project4]
            WHERE ( EXISTS (SELECT 
                1 AS [C1]
                FROM  [dbo].[pPeople_Groups] AS [Extent5]
                INNER JOIN [dbo].[Groups] AS [Extent6] ON [Extent5].[Group_ID] = [Extent6].[Id]
                WHERE ([Project4].[Id] = [Extent5].[People_ID]) AND ((LEN([Extent6].[Group_Type])) = 0)
            )) AND (1 =  CAST( [Project4].[PersonStatusTypeId] AS int)) AND ([Project4].[IsDeleted] <> cast(1 as bit)) AND ([Project4].[C1] > 0) ) AS [Project6]
            CASE WHEN ([Extent11].[Id] IS NULL) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) ELSE 1 END AS [C1], 
            [Extent8].[Person1Id] AS [Person1Id], 
            CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) AS [C11]
            FROM     [dbo].[PersonRelationship] AS [Extent7]
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[PersonRelationshipMarriageDetail] AS [Extent8] ON ([Extent7].[RelationshipTypeId] = [Extent8].[RelationshipTypeId]) AND ([Extent7].[Person2Id] = [Extent8].[Person2Id]) AND ([Extent7].[Person1Id] = [Extent8].[Person1Id])
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent9] ON [Extent7].[Person1Id] = [Extent9].[Id]
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent10] ON [Extent7].[Person2Id] = [Extent10].[Id]
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent11] ON [Extent11].[People_ID] = [Extent7].[Person1Id]
            WHERE [Project6].[Id] = [Extent7].[Person1Id]
        UNION ALL
            2 AS [C1], 
            [Extent13].[Person1Id] AS [Person1Id],  
            [Extent16].[Level] AS [Level]
            FROM     [dbo].[PersonRelationship] AS [Extent12]
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[PersonRelationshipMarriageDetail] AS [Extent13] ON ([Extent12].[RelationshipTypeId] = [Extent13].[RelationshipTypeId]) AND ([Extent12].[Person2Id] = [Extent13].[Person2Id]) AND ([Extent12].[Person1Id] = [Extent13].[Person1Id])
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent14] ON [Extent12].[Person1Id] = [Extent14].[Id]
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent15] ON [Extent12].[Person2Id] = [Extent15].[Id]
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent16] ON ([Extent12].[Person2Id] = [Extent15].[Id]) AND ([Extent16].[People_ID] = [Extent15].[Id])
            WHERE [Project6].[Id] = [Extent12].[Person1Id]) AS [UnionAll1]
        2 AS [C1], 
        [Project15].[C1] AS [C2], 
        CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) AS [C192], 
        CAST(NULL AS bit) AS [C193]
        FROM   (SELECT 
            [Project13].[Id] AS [Id],  
            [Project13].[ProfilePicturePath] AS [ProfilePicturePath], 
            1 AS [C1]
            FROM ( SELECT 
                [Extent17].[Id] AS [Id], 
                [Extent17].[ProfilePicturePath] AS [ProfilePicturePath], 
                    COUNT(1) AS [A1]
                    FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent20]
                    WHERE [Extent17].[Id] = [Extent20].[People_ID]) AS [C1]
                FROM [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent17]
                WHERE ( EXISTS (SELECT 
                    1 AS [C1]
                    FROM ( SELECT 
                        [Extent18].[Id] AS [Id], 
                        [Extent18].[Discipline] AS [Discipline]
                        FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent18]
                        WHERE [Extent17].[Id] = [Extent18].[People_ID]
                    )  AS [Project10]
                    WHERE (LTRIM(RTRIM([Project10].[Discipline])) IN (N'RR', N'IAR', N'INS', N'TAX', N'TRST', N'MRTG', N'BD', N'RIA')) AND (LTRIM(RTRIM([Project10].[Discipline])) IS NOT NULL) AND ((@p__linq__0 = 1) OR (@p__linq__1 = 1) OR ( EXISTS (SELECT 
                        1 AS [C1]
                        FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Discipline_Agents] AS [Extent19]
                        WHERE ([Project10].[Id] = [Extent19].[People_Discipline_ID]) AND ([Extent19].[Agent_ID] IN (cast(5307 as bigint), cast(241 as bigint), cast(242 as bigint), cast(271 as bigint), cast(274 as bigint), cast(275 as bigint), cast(276 as bigint), cast(373 as bigint), cast(543 as bigint), cast(754 as bigint), cast(760 as bigint), cast(761 as bigint), cast(793 as bigint), cast(794 as bigint), cast(795 as bigint), cast(796 as bigint), cast(832 as bigint), cast(833 as bigint), cast(834 as bigint), cast(938 as bigint), cast(1370 as bigint), cast(1580 as bigint), cast(1733 as bigint), cast(1809 as bigint), cast(1857 as bigint), cast(1903 as bigint), cast(1951 as bigint), cast(2265 as bigint), cast(2391 as bigint), cast(2397 as bigint), cast(2423 as bigint), cast(2556 as bigint), cast(2567 as bigint), cast(2581 as bigint), cast(2743 as bigint), cast(2744 as bigint), cast(2745 as bigint), cast(2819 as bigint), cast(3153 as bigint), cast(3162 as bigint), cast(3166 as bigint), cast(3212 as bigint), cast(3227 as bigint), cast(3398 as bigint), cast(3634 as bigint), cast(3722 as bigint), cast(3757 as bigint), cast(3820 as bigint), cast(3862 as bigint), cast(3871 as bigint), cast(4393 as bigint), cast(4461 as bigint), cast(4565 as bigint), cast(4592 as bigint), cast(4742 as bigint), cast(4955 as bigint), cast(5002 as bigint), cast(5104 as bigint), cast(5234 as bigint), cast(5254 as bigint), cast(5306 as bigint), cast(5321 as bigint), cast(5322 as bigint)))
                )) AND ([Extent17].[HoldingCompanyId] = @p__linq__2) AND ([Extent17].[ConfirmationNeededTypeId] IS NULL)
            )  AS [Project13]
            WHERE ( EXISTS (SELECT 
                1 AS [C1]
                FROM  [dbo].[pPeople_Groups] AS [Extent21]
                INNER JOIN [dbo].[Groups] AS [Extent22] ON [Extent21].[Group_ID] = [Extent22].[Id]
                WHERE ([Project13].[Id] = [Extent21].[People_ID]) AND ((LEN([Extent22].[Group_Type])) = 0)
            )) AND (1 =  CAST( [Project13].[PersonStatusTypeId] AS int)) AND ([Project13].[IsDeleted] <> cast(1 as bit)) AND ([Project13].[C1] > 0) ) AS [Project15]
            CASE WHEN ([Extent27].[Id] IS NULL) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) ELSE 1 END AS [C1], 
            [Extent24].[Person1Id] AS [Person1Id], 
            --many 'extents' edited out from here
            FROM     [dbo].[PersonRelationship] AS [Extent23]
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[PersonRelationshipMarriageDetail] AS [Extent24] ON ([Extent23].[RelationshipTypeId] = [Extent24].[RelationshipTypeId]) AND ([Extent23].[Person2Id] = [Extent24].[Person2Id]) AND ([Extent23].[Person1Id] = [Extent24].[Person1Id])
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent25] ON [Extent23].[Person1Id] = [Extent25].[Id]
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent26] ON [Extent23].[Person2Id] = [Extent26].[Id]
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent27] ON [Extent27].[People_ID] = [Extent23].[Person1Id]
            WHERE [Project15].[Id] = [Extent23].[Person2Id]
        UNION ALL
            2 AS [C1], 
            [Extent29].[Person1Id] AS [Person1Id], 
            --many 'extents' edited out from here
            [Extent32].[Level] AS [Level]
            FROM     [dbo].[PersonRelationship] AS [Extent28]
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[PersonRelationshipMarriageDetail] AS [Extent29] ON ([Extent28].[RelationshipTypeId] = [Extent29].[RelationshipTypeId]) AND ([Extent28].[Person2Id] = [Extent29].[Person2Id]) AND ([Extent28].[Person1Id] = [Extent29].[Person1Id])
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent30] ON [Extent28].[Person1Id] = [Extent30].[Id]
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent31] ON [Extent28].[Person2Id] = [Extent31].[Id]
            INNER JOIN [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent32] ON ([Extent28].[Person2Id] = [Extent31].[Id]) AND ([Extent32].[People_ID] = [Extent31].[Id])
            WHERE [Project15].[Id] = [Extent28].[Person2Id]) AS [UnionAll2]) AS [UnionAll3]
    3 AS [C1], 
    3 AS [C2], 
    [Project23].[Id] AS [Id], 
    [Join19].[Global] AS [Global]
        [Extent33].[Id] AS [Id], 
        [Extent33].[ProfilePicturePath] AS [ProfilePicturePath], 
            COUNT(1) AS [A1]
            FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent36]
            WHERE [Extent33].[Id] = [Extent36].[People_ID]) AS [C1]
        FROM [dbo].[Person] AS [Extent33]
            1 AS [C1]
            FROM ( SELECT 
                [Extent34].[Id] AS [Id], 
                [Extent34].[Discipline] AS [Discipline]
                FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Disciplines] AS [Extent34]
                WHERE [Extent33].[Id] = [Extent34].[People_ID]
            )  AS [Project20]
            WHERE (LTRIM(RTRIM([Project20].[Discipline])) IN (N'RR', N'IAR', N'INS', N'TAX', N'TRST', N'MRTG', N'BD', N'RIA')) AND (LTRIM(RTRIM([Project20].[Discipline])) IS NOT NULL) AND ((@p__linq__0 = 1) OR (@p__linq__1 = 1) OR ( EXISTS (SELECT 
                1 AS [C1]
                FROM [dbo].[pPeople_Discipline_Agents] AS [Extent35]
                WHERE ([Project20].[Id] = [Extent35].[People_Discipline_ID]) AND ([Extent35].[Agent_ID] IN (cast(5307 as bigint), cast(241 as bigint), cast(242 as bigint), cast(271 as bigint), cast(274 as bigint), cast(275 as bigint), cast(276 as bigint), cast(373 as bigint), cast(543 as bigint), cast(754 as bigint), cast(760 as bigint), cast(761 as bigint), cast(793 as bigint), cast(794 as bigint), cast(795 as bigint), cast(796 as bigint), cast(832 as bigint), cast(833 as bigint), cast(834 as bigint), cast(938 as bigint), cast(1370 as bigint), cast(1580 as bigint), cast(1733 as bigint), cast(1809 as bigint), cast(1857 as bigint), cast(1903 as bigint), cast(1951 as bigint), cast(2265 as bigint), cast(2391 as bigint), cast(2397 as bigint), cast(2423 as bigint), cast(2556 as bigint), cast(2567 as bigint), cast(2581 as bigint), cast(2743 as bigint), cast(2744 as bigint), cast(2745 as bigint), cast(2819 as bigint), cast(3153 as bigint), cast(3162 as bigint), cast(3166 as bigint), cast(3212 as bigint), cast(3227 as bigint), cast(3398 as bigint), cast(3634 as bigint), cast(3722 as bigint), cast(3757 as bigint), cast(3820 as bigint), cast(3862 as bigint), cast(3871 as bigint), cast(4393 as bigint), cast(4461 as bigint), cast(4565 as bigint), cast(4592 as bigint), cast(4742 as bigint), cast(4955 as bigint), cast(5002 as bigint), cast(5104 as bigint), cast(5234 as bigint), cast(5254 as bigint), cast(5306 as bigint), cast(5321 as bigint), cast(5322 as bigint)))
        )) AND ([Extent33].[HoldingCompanyId] = @p__linq__2) AND ([Extent33].[ConfirmationNeededTypeId] IS NULL) ) AS [Project23]
    INNER JOIN  (SELECT [Extent37].[Id] AS [Id1], [Extent37].[People_ID] AS [People_ID], [Extent37].[Group_ID] AS [Group_ID], [Extent37].[Remarks] AS [Remarks], [Extent37].[Start_Date] AS [Start_Date], [Extent37].[End_Date] AS [End_Date], [Extent37].[Status] AS [Status], [Extent38].[Id] AS [Id2], [Extent38].[Agency_ID] AS [Agency_ID], [Extent38].[Agent_ID] AS [Agent_ID], [Extent38].[Name] AS [Name], [Extent38].[Description] AS [Description], [Extent38].[Deleted] AS [Deleted], [Extent38].[User_Created] AS [User_Created], [Extent38].[Group_Type] AS [Group_Type], [Extent38].[Global] AS [Global]
        FROM  [dbo].[pPeople_Groups] AS [Extent37]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Groups] AS [Extent38] ON [Extent37].[Group_ID] = [Extent38].[Id] ) AS [Join19] ON [Project23].[Id] = [Join19].[People_ID]
        1 AS [C1]
        FROM  [dbo].[pPeople_Groups] AS [Extent39]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Groups] AS [Extent40] ON [Extent39].[Group_ID] = [Extent40].[Id]
        WHERE ([Project23].[Id] = [Extent39].[People_ID]) AND ((LEN([Extent40].[Group_Type])) = 0)
    )) AND (1 =  CAST( [Project23].[PersonStatusTypeId] AS int)) AND ([Project23].[IsDeleted] <> cast(1 as bit)) AND ([Project23].[C1] > 0)) AS [UnionAll4]
ORDER BY [UnionAll4].[C3] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C1] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C28] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C29] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C30] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C34] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C37] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C38] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C45] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C46] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C47] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C49] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C75] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C100] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C115] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C116] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C117] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C121] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C124] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C125] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C132] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C133] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C134] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C136] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C162] ASC, [UnionAll4].[C187] ASC

PersonGroups 集合,Any return 只会根据您的条件判断真假。如果集合包含 PersonGroup 中的任何一项 -> group.GroupType == null 或空,则它将 return true else false.


要获取 PersonGroup 个对象的列表,请使用 Where 而不是 Any

expression = (x => x.PersonGroups.Where(y => y.Group.GroupType == null || y.Group.GroupType == "")); 
return expression


Entity Framework 默认将所有字段标记为可选。 但是在我们的案例中,我们的团队自定义设置实体,在此期间他们将所有字段设置为我们上下文中的必需字段。 这是问题的症结所在; 当数据映射中的某个字段被标记为必填时,实体只是跳过检查 table 中的该字段是否为空执行 LINQ 查询时的值 。正如您从我的问题中看到的那样,空字段正是我正在搜索的一些内容——在我的案例中有很多。所以,为了解决这个问题,我只是在我们的数据映射中将该字段标记为可选。因为 Entity 知道要检查它是否有空字段,所以它按预期运行。

Tl;dr:如果您遇到类似问题,请检查您的 conext 和数据映射以确保数据库中可为空的字段在数据映射中也被标记为可选。否则,实体不会检查它是否为空值。