升级 sprockets-rails gem 中断测试

Upgrading sprockets-rails gem breaks tests

从2.3.3版本升级到sprockets-rails3.0版本后,下面的集成测试失败。它曾经通过但现在给出错误:Expected exactly 2 elements matching "img[src*='profile.gif']", found 0...


get user_path(@user1)
puts @response.body
assert_select "img[src*='profile.gif']", count: 2

puts @response.body 确认图像存在两次,因为正文包含两次:


更改似乎与 rails 4 有关,如 Asset Pipeline documentation 中所述:

Rails 4 no longer sets default config values for Sprockets in test.rb, so test.rb now requires Sprockets configuration. The old defaults in the test environment are: config.assets.compile = true, config.assets.compress = false, config.assets.debug = false and config.assets.digest = false.

因此,如果在测试环境中不需要摘要,则应在 config/environments/test.rb 文件中明确配置:

config.assets.digest = false