
How stack frames pass the value from the current frame to the older frame(JVM)?

场景: Java 使用堆栈来执行带有指令的方法。有一个 methodA 包含一个 methodB,当调用 methodA 时,当前线程的 Stack 将为 methodA 创建一个新的 Stack-Frame,当它遇到 methodB 时,它仍然为 methodB 做同样的事情,我理解每一帧包含局部变量table和操作数栈,我可以检查方法B使用局部变量table从方法A获取值,但是方法A如何获取方法B的return值(执行结果) ?我没有从 Java 文档中找到它。



The current frame (§2.6) is used in this case to restore the state of the invoker, including its local variables and operand stack, with the program counter of the invoker appropriately incremented to skip past the method invocation instruction. Execution then continues normally in the invoking method's frame with the returned value (if any) pushed onto the operand stack of that frame.